So, as the title suggests, the premise is very much inspired by the anime Cowboy Bebop, something that I remain extremely fond of. As a sort of TL;DR, a small group (no more than 4 or so people, not including myself) for their own personal reasons end up wandering the galaxy together, staying afloat on whatever profits they can manage. What they do, why they do it, and where they go is completely up to the folks in question. I have a general direction for a start, but after that, where folks want to go, the kind of reputation they want, how they get along, that is all up to them. Galaxy keeps on turning though, and life keeps moving on, so who says that our band of folks don't get drawn into conflicts outside their own every now and again? All depends on those interested, really. So, info dump is there, any interest, questions, comments, suggestions, so on and so forth? [hider=Information Dump] [center][img][/img] [color=a0410d]"Welcome to the actual galaxy, rook. The real one, outside the patriotic tapes and the bullshit the recruiter fed you to sign that dotted line. Ain't no heroes out here, no saints, and sure as hell ain't no good guys. Wipe that damn look off your face, ain't no villains, devils, or bad guys either. Just folks being folks, with men like me and boys like you bleeding for causes we don't really believe in. Sure, some folks tell you otherwise, that they do it for a cause or a belief, and hell, they may be right. But, end of the day, they get paid all the same we do. Galaxy'll keep on turning rook, and frankly, she don't care whether or not you die of old age or at the wrong end of a gun, and only thing you can have is what you can keep. So, rook, let's carve ourselves out one hell of a place to die, eh?"[/color] [i]-Unnamed Sergeant to reinforcing troops, Siege of Earth, Second War of Heaven-[/i] [hider=Terminology Compendium] AI - Artificial Intelligence. TI- True Intelligence. FC - First Contact, current calendar used by the galaxy. EC - Earth Conglomerate. Ancestor to the UDP, reformed into UDP after coming into contact with the IACB and resisting violently. IACB - Intergalactic Administrative Control Board. Democratic Republic that ruled until the First War of Heaven, replaced by the UDP. UDP - United Defensive Party. Lead by Humanity and deposed the IACB, operated as a Benevolent Dictatorship. Ruled until the Second War of Heaven. NEC - New Earth Coalition. Spiritual successor to the EC, built out of the ruins of the UDP. [/hider] [hider=History of the Galaxy: Abridged] [i]Edited and Compiled by the Galactic Society of Remembrance[/i] 2107 AD / 0 FC: Humanity, having expanded and colonized the rest of their solar system, makes first contact with life outside of their own system. Pirates on the run from forces yet unknown to humanity, attempt to enslave or wipe out any military resistance that the fledgling interplanetary race could offer. Resultant engagement between the pirates and Earth Conglomerate (EC) Navy results in 50% casualties for the Earth forces, though pirate forces suffer approximately 95% casualties. Pirates held full advantage until human forces, in desperation, employed moth balled Thermonuclear weapons. The Earth Conglomerate refers to this event as the First Contact War, and the starting point of a new calendar. Thanks to salvaged pirate tech, including Faster than Light drives and weapons, Humanity is jumped well ahead of its natural pace of development. 27 FC: Contact is made with the nearest settled system, putting humanity in contact with the Intergalactic Administrative Control Board (IACB), who censures the use of 'cruel weapons' and attempts to seize human space craft due to their use of weapons reverse engineered from Pirate forces. At this point, it becomes apparent that parallel evolution has produced other near human races, and the intermingling of these races eventually would lead to one general humanity, with subtle differences due to genetic makeup inherited from potential near human ancestors. 77 FC "The First War of Heaven": The Earth Conglomerate and allied systems form the United Defensive Party (UDP), having grown resistant to the IACB and its efforts to continue censuring and controlling the efforts of the Earth Conglomerate, and have amassed enough munitions and troops to engage in open warfare with the IACB. The galaxy is plunged into a struggle for control, the UDP employing thermonuclear, fusion, and other weapons codified by the IACB as 'cruel' to counteract the numerical and technological advantages held by the IACB. 100 FC "End of an Age": The First War of Heaven ends with the massed nuclear bombardment of the capital world of the IACB, shattering the planet's surface and sending the surviving remnants of their government into exile and hiding. The IACB remnants retain holdings on the fringe of the galaxy, but are no longer pursued by the UPD as they consolidate their hold on the galaxy. The center of galactic control is established on Earth, much to the chagrin of the general people of the galaxy, and humanity spreads with alarming speed during the expansion period of the UDP. 1000 FC "The Second War of Heaven": Ignored and forgotten after nine hundred years of stagnation and in fighting among the members of the UDP, the IACB launches an all out assault on the UDP, spearing right for the heart of the new galactic government, Earth. Dubbed the Second War of Heaven, the fleet based resurgent IACB utilized tech bought from human sympathizers to recover and consolidate forces made up purely of robots and cyborgs. Caught unawares, initial gains were then faced with stubborn resistance, as anyone in the warpath of the IACB defended themselves alongside the government regular forces, taking a 3 year plan to seize Earth and dragging it out to five times its original planned length. 1012 FC "Shatterpoint Incident": Marking the fall of a central, cohesive galactic government as a whole, the IACB Fleet reaches Earth. During the ensuing siege, IACB sustains unsustainable losses, outpacing their ability to build or procure more combat robots. Earth Defense forces also suffer heavy losses, and the IACB employ a planet breaker weapon to threaten the planet into submission. Continued defiance resulted in the employment of the weapon, but the weakened crust was not accounted for, and the weapon caused the planet's core to detonate due to a violent reaction with the planet breaker weapon. This detonation wiped out the IACB fleet, which the flagship of functioned as the center of their fleet based government, and left the galaxy leaderless. 1015 FC: Individual systems agree to form into coalitions at will, dividing up the galaxy into a series of "City States" that answer to no one singular authority. Optimally, intersystem disagreements are solved through negotiation and treaties, but just as often, open war is waged between the coalitions. After a short time, the open warfare effectively curtails any attempts at a galactic government, and most coalitions and organizations accept this fact. 1197 FC "Current Time": There are currently four official major powers and a fifth unrecognized one within the Galaxy, the four recognized ones settled in each arm of the galaxy while the fifth remains at its core. See Notable Powers for further details on current government and political powers in the galaxy. [/hider] [hider=Racial Types of the Galaxy] [hider=Humans] "Breed like rabbits, and harder to kill than cockroaches, throw a dash of carrion beast in there and there you have it. Humanity in a disgusting nut shell." [i]-Jaster Kun, Comedian and Convict, performing at an underground club in an undisclosed location.-[/i] Humanity as a whole is relatively similar to how the ancestors of the past knew it, though the genetic diversity is far greater than it ever was due to intermingling with near human races. These near humans had differences ranging from subtle, such as extremely dense bone structure from high gravity worlds, to the glaringly obvious, abnormal skin and hair colors. The interbreeding has effectively meant that humanity is as varied as it could possibly be, where one human could look like your average fellow, and his sister could have inherited near human traits and turned out completely different. [/hider] [hider=Cyborgs] "War veterans, accident survivors, volunteers. Get all sorts looking to transcend their flesh, even if they aren't in it for the religious mumbo jumbo. Cheap too, if you know who to talk too, and lucky you, you happen to be talking to one such person..." [i]-Fleshmolder Tzar, convicted of several degrees of crimes against the galaxy and brought in dead by bounty hunters.-[/i] Not so much their own race as a subset of other races, Cyborgs are people that have, for varying reasons, replaced significant parts of their body with cybernetics. Whether its crude, field built stuff to keep a soldier fighting, or the finest that money can buy, a cyborg is a cyborg. Some people do it as part of an ideological or religious belief, others because its necessity, but either way, they see some levels of discrimination from those that see the organic body as pure and anything that defiles it as a negative. They received far more hatred after the Second War of Heaven, though discrimination against them has died down over the years. [/hider] [hider=Robots and AI] "What, the tinmen? Weaponizing the things has been frowned on since the second War, doesn't stop people though. They ain't alive though, not really. Just circuits and algorhythms, wound up and sent to get turned into scrap, and those daft IACB bastards thought that they would replace flesh and blood soldiers." [i]-Lt. Draks, NEC Navy, answering questions on the service robots utilized by their naval forces.-[/i] Robotics and Artificial Intelligence has been around longer than humanity had been able to travel the galaxy as a whole, and was widely accepted as a natural part of the daily lives of most people. Experiments with weaponizing them was found that, while cheaper then a sentient soldier, they're lack of intuition and creativity meant that the numbers it took to best an equivalent force of organic life meant it was never seriously pursued. During the Second War of Heaven, IACB Combat Robots were networked with AI, who assisted the commanding officers of the IACB in controlling and issuing orders, leading to the eventual Shatterpoint incident. After which, combat robots and AI were much more closely watched, though still employed. AI continue to operate as assistants and fill menial roles that free up organic life for other tasks, though it is agreed upon that making a TI, True Intelligence that is sentient and indistinguishable from a human brain, is not only impossible but extremely frowned upon. [/hider] [hider=Androids] "All the power and reliabity of a machine, but the sentience and thinking capabilities of a human. The perfect blend of machine and man." [i]-Dr. Monroe, head of IACB R&D, shortly before implanting himself into the first known generation of androids.-[/i] Unlike robots and AI, Androids are controlled by a human brain. Continued failures to extract the essence and sentience from the brain and store it in circuitry means that an android chassis still needs to be able to support the life functions of the host brain. Androids are also intensely distrusted by certain parts of the galaxy, due to their arrival alongside the Second War of Heaven, though some people also realize that the androids of today are a far cry from those of the past. By far a minority in the galaxy, some go great lengths to appear human or, at worst, as a cyborg to avoid prejudice or outcry against them, something that the prouder androids find insulting, creating a schism between the two groups of androids. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Notable Powers in the Galaxy] [hider=New Earth Conglomerate] [img][/img] "We are the inheritors of the will and spirit of Earth. She may be broken, but she can and will be rebuilt!" [i]-Senator Eldin, Speaker of the Senate, during the inaugural speech upon the founding of the NEC.-[/i] The New Earth Conglomerate was formed in the wake of the demise of the United Defensive Party, settled on Mars with the expressed goal of building a new Earth to rule from. Taking after the Earth Conglomerate in terms of governing, they operate as a Republic, each system sending a representative to the senate on Mars. From here, decisions are made and final approval is based on majority vote. There is no single figure head within the NEC, unique compared to the other powers. They also are the most openly welcoming towards Androids, and actively employ both androids and service robots in their military, though the latter of the two are exclusively non combat roles. [/hider] [hider=Isenfaust Coalition] [img][/img] "Order from Chaos, Rebirth from Ashes. Things that my fore bearers were [i]very[/i] familiar with. The Galaxy will be brought to heel again, one way or another." [i]-Admiral Isenfaust, upon coming of age and succeeding his father, despite suspicions of foul play from the new ruler.-[/i] Making up the territories that had been conquered by the IACB prior to its destruction at the Siege of Earth during the Second War of Heaven, they very much embody the older ideals and beliefs of the IACB prior to its falls from grace. Now governed like a Totalitarian Regime instead of how the IACB used to operate, the current head of the state, Admiral Isenfaust, rules with the expectation that every order he carries will be carried out in both the spirit and intent of how he issued the orders. His interactions with the other powers of the galaxy tend to be strained, as he is not one that enjoys having to debate or make concessions to those he considers beneath him, which would be everyone. Notably, their military remains mostly automated, employing large numbers of Androids and Combat Robots, mostly as it is more efficient for their heavily industrialized factories to churn out robots than it is flesh and blood troops. [/hider] [hider=Nexus Fiefdoms] [img][/img] "Amidst the ham fisted attempts at control, babbling idiots playing at government, and criminal scum there is us. The last bastion of decent, civilized folk within the galaxy, and we shall endure!" [i]-Queen Lashiel, upon succeeding her husband on the throne after his death at the hands of illness.-[/i] A classical monarch, the Nexus Fiefdoms are split up into numerous noble houses, though all answer to the ruling monarch of their portion of the galaxy. Noted for their extreme adversion to replacing the honest, hard working men and women with machinery, they have maintained some of the highest quality craftsmanship, even if their volume suffers for it. Maintaining the airs of quality over quantity, most seasoned mercenaries and soldiers know better than to go picking fights with a Nexus soldier without damn good reason, and backup. Despite the indivdual might of her soldiers, the Nexus Fiefdoms are technically the smallest of the four powers, due to their stubborn, antiquated approach to functional society. However, this smaller size does play to their strengths, as they can concentrate their troops better and take advantage of the quality of their kit and manpower. [/hider] [hider=The Institution of Trade and Commerce] [img][/img] "We facilitate trade and money changing between any parties interested in trading with one another, but do not trust each other to accomplish such on their own. We also collect our fair share of the exchange, of course. By any means necessary, if need be." [i]-Deputy Banker Sesten, describing her job, shortly before the disappearance of a runaway debtor.-[/i] Not so much a unified government as it is a series of mega corporations that have agreed to provide a unified face towards the rest of the galaxy, even if they do not trust each other. As such, they approach governing as they do business, running it very much based on profit. Sometimes concessions must be made for long term gains, and they enforce their rule by any means necessary. Sometimes through vicious negotiations, other times through the use of teams of disposable mercenaries that ensure things turn out the way they are meant to, and if they get caught, they are on their own. They buy and deal in everything, meaning their sectors of space are the most varied, as are their personal security personnel and troops. One team may be combat robots bought from the Isenfaust Coalition, and they will be helping defend a Nexus Fiefdom built Starship with weapons made in the NEC, with improvements pioneered within the Institution itself. [/hider] [hider=The Freelancers] [img][/img] "Need black box project picked up and smuggled under Nexus noses? Sure, got the credits fer it? Half a mil up front, another half mil when its done. Don't give me tha bull of conning ya either, Senator, yer askin me to cross the Nexus. They'd outgun any damn fools ye send from tha military, ye need ta outrun em. 'sides, ye already asked three of me mates and tried ta scam em too, so we got ourselves a deal?" -Smuggler Captain Sienna, negotiating with an unnamed Senator of the NEC for her services.- While not a unified group by any means, there isn't a force in the galaxy worth its salt that would discount the Freelancers of the galaxy as anything but a power in their own right. Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries, Smugglers, Pirates, and gods knows what else make up their ranks. Occupying the neutral space between the four arms of the galaxy, and wandering wherever they are needed and paid to be, its the freelancers that keep the gears turning and the galaxy spinning. Coming from all walks of life, from renegade Isenfaust Coalition officers to disgraced Nexus soldiers, and debtors on the run from the Institute, anyone can find a place in the Freelancers, doing anything they can turn a profit at. No laws among them at all, though it is accepted that one's word is all they are worth when the cards are down, so Freelancers are surprisingly reliable, as to not sacrifice their reputation. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Rules and Expectations] Everyone has em, they get repeated quite a lot, but they are here for a good reason. Plus a separate thing for general expectations as well, doesn't hurt to have em. [hider=Rules] 1. Stay active. I won't set a hard post requirement, but use your brains. This is a character driven thing, which means activity is vital, more so than normal. 2. No god modding, meta gaming, ect ect. Not sure what those mean? Look it up or ask, I don't mind explaining. 3. Once I'm ready to start accepting character sheets, I'll be going off personal judgement, not a case of first come/first served. I will reserve spots for a set period of time, probably a day or two, but after that, if I haven't heard anything, the spot gets re opened. 4. Do be civil with each other OOC. We are all here to have fun, even if the characters don't like each other, doesn't mean the players of said characters have to be asses to each other. 5. Tagged it 18+ since things could get dark quick, depending on the direction folks want to go. So swearing, romance, violence, ect ect is all fine and dandy, but don't go overboard. And get a room if things get heated between two characters, and not in a fighting sense either. [/hider] [hider=Expectations] So this will be a two way street, what I expect from ya'll and what ya'll expect from me. This'll get filled out as things are figured out and are generally reasonable. [/hider] [/hider] [/center] [/hider]