[@Wolpertingers] so in your reponse to the infrastructure, I drew from a lot of influences. I imagine the Twists version of hell to have many of the steeeotypical parts of it (flames, torture, etc.) but with also a more business like feel. You have your general lower employees that walk around the torture grounds poking people with pitchforks or just general torture, but as you start to go up the ranks there's a more interesting employment opportunities, demons looking at the big picture and actively supporting the worlds inevitable fall. You could say there is a "master plan" of sorts that the devil has in mind, but I plan on that being the main focus of the late gams anyways. There are demons of every type imaginable, like personal imps who carry out the menial fetch and retreival of some higher ups daily needs. The higher up in the company you are the closer the connection to Satan you have, which in turn increases your power and opens gateways for unimaginable power. The lords of hell would actually mostly be the business magnates, running various parts of Hell, like for instance the magnate of debt collection who you will be spending time with as your superior, Big Red. Also yes although every demon can has specific weakness akin to them only, most but only the most powerful suffer extreme wounds and damage upon interacting with any blessed or holy object. I hope that answers some of your questions.