Taking the fire escape steps two at a time Serpentine descended the five story building as fast as she could. Each rusty step creaked and groaned and more than once Serpentine thought she’d fall straight through. The normally heavy ladders felt light in her arms thanks to her new powers and she navigated the structure with reasonable ease. Nevertheless it took her several minutes to reach the ground and run out of the ally way, scattering a small pack of cats in her mad dash around the building’s corner. A few screams sounded in the distance, and numerous car horns were blaring. Something bad must be going on up ahead. Speeding up Serpentine sprinted past a group of young pedestrians charging right up to the front steps of Luna’s Luner Lounge. Behind her glassy eyed students wandered haphazardly across the streets and roads causing a dreadful traffic jam and snatching random people off the sidewalks. The police who hadn’t been turned were completely overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the disaster, but were doing their best to regain control. A few of the zombiefied kids seemed to be standing guard at the entrance, wearing karate GIs. [i]Uh oh[/i] Serpentine thought coming to a screeching halt. These minions seemed capable of completing individual tasks, and they were everywhere! Mr. Johnson must have gone on a rampage with his whip and collected a horde of followers to do his bidding. Somewhere along the way he must have learned to control them better too. Stepping onto the raised concrete curb Serpentine approached the GI garbed minions cautiously, watching for any sudden movements. Their stoic faces turned towards her menacingly and one raised his calloused hand, doing a mocking ‘come here’ gesture. [color=ed1c24]“Alright then.”[/color] Serpentine whipped out her battle fans going into what she hoped was a fighting stance.[color=ed1c24] “Come and get it.”[/color] The glassy eyed karate kids needed no second bidding. Leaping forward four of them surrounded Serpentine, delivering a series of kicks and jabs in rapid succession. Serpentine did her best to dodge and repost but the karate kids were too fast. Dishing out swift punishment they would flip away before she could respond in kind, allowing another karate kid to launch in and attack from her flank. Serpentine’s augmented speed and durability was the only thing keeping her in the fight. At least until one of them landed a powerful round house kick to her jaw. Tumbling backward Serpentine tripped over the concrete curb and crashed onto the asphalt. A few normal minions surged forward reaching to grab her with their grubby hands. One snatched at her miraculous and just missed, brushing the charm with his fingertips. [color=ed1c24]“Oh no you don’t!”[/color] Serpentine lashed out catching the glassy eyed teen in the throat. He reeled back, falling into the growing crowd. Rolling back onto her feet Serpentine blocked a few incoming punches before pushing off, propelling herself over the dull eyes of her assailants and preforming a spectacular backflip in midair. Landing light as a cat Serpentine scurried off smashing through the unguarded glass doors of the Lunar Lounge, and right into the waiting arms of many more minions. [i]We need an army to fight all of these guys![/i] Serpentine struggled to bash her way through but there were to many. Further away Talon, Furitta, and the new girl were in a similar situation fighting against Mr. Johnsen and. Rouge-Bat!? They were battling bravely, but ultimately outnumbered. [i]We need a distraction and an army![/i] Serpentine’s mind raced as she fought. Defeat seemed imminent. She knew about Rough-Bat from her father’s articles praising the hero, he could probably best all four of them on his own, let alone with Mr. Johnson and a horde of his mind controlled minions. What could they possible do? And just like that an idea popped into Serpentine’s head. Closing her eyes to concentrate Serpentine let the glassy eyed weirdos size hold of her. One tried to snatch away her miraculous but Serpentine interlocked her fingers over the charm protecting it. They tried prying her fingers open but Serpentine resisted their efforts, clenching her hands tighter, focusing, and concentrating. [color=ed1c24]“MIRAGE!” [/color] Suddenly Serpentine was everywhere. She bounced from the walls, swung punches at Rouge-Bat, dodged away from the karate kids, and formed a protective ring around the other heroes and herself. The many Serpentines moved like greased lightning and the fought the perplexed minions by dodging and rolling and diving around them with ease. They swung their battle fans and kicked as well but no blow ever landed. They were just light and sound after all. Very convincing images, but never more than just that. Images. Serpentine laughed aloud and a hundred Serpentines laughed with her. It was very surreal and chaotic as Luna’s Luner Lounge was now packed to bursting. Throwing off the minions that held her Serpentine shouted, her voice rising from a hundred throats. [b][color=ed1c24]“Quick, get the whip so we can purify the akuma! This will only last five minutes!” [/color][/b]