When Yobi arrived at the square with the others, the speeches were about to start. She didn't care so much for speeches, and was very happy most of them were cut short. The mayor's however, made her laugh. She knew Larz. Sort of. She didn't particularly like him, but she liked his devotion to his work, regardless of its nature. And that was it for that speech; however, the Sheriff got on the stage and spoke next, telling everyone something they should already know. She didn't mind the moment of silence. But it went on for too long. And it apparently wasn't planned for it to be so long. She could see the confused looks on the faces of the two on stage, and the rest of the crowd seemed to notice as well. The confusion was settled by a young man who was out of breath, and Yobi, for one, was happy for the outcome. She hated Lonjiku more than she family-loved Ameiko. Her frustration didn't last too long, however, as the next speaker was already on the stage after Yobi's long growl. And she had no reason to dislike this man; he actually knew what he was talking about when it came to religion. And of course he followed the right Goddess. But she wanted to see the butterflies. They weren't there. Last year, she remembered the butterflies being released at the end of the speech. She would have likely pouted had she not been standing so close to the games she liked. She immediately joined in the sack race, and soon after hopped (literally) over to the beam. Walking along ledges was something she enjoyed doing just for fun all year round. Made sense to put her skills to the test now. She didn't like having to wait for so many people, though. All of the local drunks managed to end up in front of her. There was also one of the people she had brought here, so that made up for it. When it was Yobi's turn, she practically ran as she crossed the beam. [hider=Rolls][url=http://orokos.com/roll/173762]Dexterity for Sack Race (16)[/url], [url=http://orokos.com/roll/173763]Acrobatics Check for Sack Race (19)[/url], [url=http://orokos.com/roll/173764]Walking the Beam (29)[/url].[/hider]