Lise peeked out from behind Andreim, quickly scanning the room. Nothing spooky anymore. She let out a sigh of relief. Lise's face burned red. '[color=lightpink]How embarrassing, freezing up like that! How can I call myself the team's undeniable queen if I lose my composure like this in front of them?![/color]' She sneaked a look at her team members that were left in the room. None of them seemed to have noticed her freeze, instead focusing on the... person? Lise wasn't paying the best attention, but she remembered someone saying the name Vittorio. [b][color=aba000]"Don't worry, Lady Valois-Saint-Remy. I will take care of any hinderances ahead."[/color][/b] Andreim said to her. It was at that moment, when Lise's embarrassed gaze met with Andreim's, that Lise became acutely aware that she was still gripping his arm. In addition, she was pretty close to him overall. Had she ever been this close to anyone? Especially a boy?! How did she not notice until now? "[color=pink]T-That's very good A-Andreim.[/color]" Lise stammered, letting go and quickly taking a step back. Taking a few quick breaths and clearing her throat, she continued. "[color=pink]It's natural to clear the way for the royalty, after all! Let's move after Katherine.[/color]"