[@TiredKhajiit] Are you aware that the Characters tab is typically reserved for only Character Sheets, not for discussion ABOUT character sheets? It's much more tidy if you post only character sheets there, because now if I wanted to reference your CS or DrGerbils, I'd have to sort thru all the BS about changing the weapons and blah blah blah. Ever. Single. Time. It's just a minor inconvenience, it's not a huge deal, but it'll just make things a touch neater. Also, next time you might want to let people on the Interest Check know that you have the OOC up, I had forgotten about this RP because you said that you were going to make an OOC but then didn't post the link. If my husband hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have thought to go to your profile and find the OOC from there. Just a tip to help you make sure that everyone who mentions interest in the IntCh gets notified so they can join in the fun. Also, you should post the OOC link on the first post in the IntCh