Finally, the why of it all laid at their feet. Why it had taken them so long to arrive at this point was beyond Hector, but at least they had their answer. He was less concerned about all the technical details and sudden revelations than he was about the reason this was happening. Whether they were all actually in a coma or had ended up in hell was irrelevant so long as they had no direction. As briefly curious as it was that one of their number was revealed to be many times shorter than they really were, Hector was unconcerned with them so long as they appeared to be no threat, and certainly their "saviors" appeared largely unconcerned with his presence. It was good to hear the rabbit express some remorse for the prior death. It didn't make up for it happening, but it was better than the arrogant bastard attitude he had been maintaining this whole time. As he told it, his motives for involving them in all this was almost noble sounding. So noble that Hector didn't fully buy it. While he had decided to take this as the truth for now, he wasn't so sure there wasn't a more selfish reason behind it all. The rabbit here didn't strike him as the purely altruistic type. Selfish or not, Hector had to admit that wanting to overthrow a mad despot with vaguely megalomaniacal ambitions was an entirely reasonable endeavour, and even if he wouldn't forget the fact that this had just cost someone's life, it was certainly a cause he could get behind. [b]"Right, I for one will step up."[/b] He spoke up, standing forward. He still didn't like the rabbit creature, but he wouldn't let that hold him back. [b]"But I think there's a crucial piece of information you've neglected to tell us. How, exactly, are we going to help? I doubt we could fight that creature back there even as a group, let alone an army of them."[/b] Hector suspected they already had a plan for them, but given how difficult it had been to wrangle a meaningful answer out of this rabbit so far, he felt the question needed to be asked. [@The Jest]