[quote=@Penny] I guess this is that one time in a thousand you are mistaken. A. I dont want to dismantle society. B. Yes all gender identifications are equally valid. C. I feel I'm fairly unambiguous most of the time. I will be happy to clarify a non zero and non infinite number of points for you. Hey I found the original quote! Turns out I was responding to a post from you and I was discussing the right of individuals in general to kill themselves. Suicide bombers being a subset of people and all. I'm sure you didn't mean to take what I said out of context. [/quote] 1. While it certainly wasn't focus and that idea seems contradictory to other points I remember you making. I concede, you brought it up. (Though, you absolutely did not elaborate or go into detail on such.) [quote=@Penny] Bring us ever closer to that glorious day when the moribund edifice they call 'society' comes crashing down! [/quote] 2. Forgive my wording, would have been more accurate to say you want a dismantled society thus removing the personal activism/effort that would come with such claims. So yes, not you personally doing so. But you yourself cheered on the idea of the downfall of current society. 3. I don't mean to be a prick, most of the time, but then can you perhaps admit a Nazi to you. Isn't just used as a dictionary definition, if not by you personally. (though if gender can mean anything, why not another label?) Then certainly plenty of others do so. I'm not necessarily trying to turn my nose at you for burning any bridge, rather than attempting to first mend a relationship that skews to political extremism. But, merely pointing out that obvious contradiction of that confusion. Just read that line you posted again, even without context. It's so clearly -not- the first/inciting statement you made regarding suicide bombings. Because "so, no I don't have to backtrack" is there, which clearly indicates that the line itself is you attempting to defend a previous statement. And with how you respond, likely not exactly very clear on top of that. But EVEN then, you're already going back on the statement you've said. In that line's case, you say everyone has the right to off themselves even suicide bombers. While now, correctly, if not pointlessly/missing the point in the process, mention that possession of such device is likely illegal and therefore isn't a valid way to commit suicide. :/ So I didn't misquote you. I may have paraphrased with mildly snarky hyperbole, but it wasn't any less vague and absolutely morally broken and reason shattering of a thing to say.