[quote=@mdk] Years of this have made conservatives as wary of the "nazi" label [/quote] Of course, even actual Nazis dont like to be called Nazis. They prefer less loaded terms these days. In my statement I was alluding to actual legitimate kill all the jews Nazis as a rhetorical device. [quote=@mdk] as you probably are of words like "socialist" (when used as a negative anyway). [/quote] I am a socialist in the European social democracy sense of the word. I'm fine with it :) [quote=@mdk] So like, if we took the stereotypical screaming liberal and the stereotypical screaming conservative and filled the whole country with 'em in equal measures, and no one from either camp would so much as sit down with someone from the other, they'd all probably think themselves pretty virtuous (AT LEAST I AIN'T SITTIN WITH THE GODDAMN COMMIES) and also they'd eventually wipe each other out. [/quote] Ok. Even if that is true which I dont think it is I don't need to engage in personal relationships with people whose political views are completely abhorrent to me. I am required to maintain professional ones of course. People are very reluctant to give up deeply views in one one debates there are better places I can invest my time. [quote=@mdk] CaN't We AlL jUsT gEt AlOnG?? But seriously like.... at a certain point politics becomes dogma, and then you're really just marketing all the worst parts about religion. Something like "I wouldn't even EAT DINNER with them!" seems like a step in that direction, at a glance. [i]Of course if it's a literal actual goddamn Nazi, who cares,[/i] just, ya know, stating the obvious I guess in hopes of a circlejerky thumbs-up vote. [/quote] I am using a literal nazi as a rhetorical device to demonstrate that there do exist people who are so despicable that I would not share a meal with them. You are correct in inferring that I would put people other than Nazis in this category as my previous posts confirm.