Fendros and Ahnasha stopped by Meesei briefly on their way to their room, quickly mentioning what they saw of Sabine's exit from the feast, including the portal she opened before they could catch up to her. However, they trusted she would return soon and did not linger long. A short way behind his parents, Rhazii ascended the stairs with Kaj-Julan trailing behind him. He and Julan were recounting some event Meesei did not recognise, likely from the last few hours as their giggles and snorts were still fresh in their noses. Both Rhazii's smile and ears shrank down when he looked up the stairs to see Meesei. He was immediately quiet. Fendros and Ahnasha looked back for a moment, but they did not appear perturbed at all. Fendros merely gave a casual "Goodnight, everyone," before stepping away with Ahnasha. While Rhazii did not look at Julan, who would have picked up on the situation rapidly, there was little doubt that he would slink away as well. That just left Rhazii and Meesei. Rhazii peered down at the floor and clenched his teeth. Meesei could just about feel how hard his ears pinned back. "Okay," he mumbled as audibly as an adolescent does, and began his sullen march into his room. He left the door open and turned to sit on the end of his bed, eyes still on the floor. [hr] Sabine half-smiled. "I am not sure that-" She closed her mouth and pursed her lips. Rhajul did not know of Lunise and Meesei's relationship. She had to keep that secret. "...The Thalmor are not complacent," she recovered. "You are correct. Although, her adoptive father died many years ago. There would be no one for the Thalmor to hunt through her." Sabine lifted her eyes to Do'rhajul, curious. "What was it like for you growing up? If you were in a Legion family, I imagine you were used to having relatives stationed away from home."