Meesei ignored Rhazii's defeated-looking demeanor as she shut the door behind her, or at least she did not acknowledge it. She stood a few paces in front of the bed and crossed her arms. "So you know that I welcome the criticism and advice of my pack, yes? You made it clear that you do. Indeed, I encourage it, and I do not demand that my pack follow my every word without question. But, you [i]also[/i] are aware of of the many roles we play in our clans. You certainly should be, unless you ignored every lesson that myself and your parents gave you. You would know that the Champion's pack guides all of the clans as a leader on the battlefield and in peace alike. You would, of course, be perfectly aware that it is my great burden to keep every clan in Tamriel united under one banner against Vile; to keep them fighting as one even through difficult decisions and uncertain times. And being the intelligent boy you are, you would also be completely aware of the fact that having a member of my [i]own[/i] pack loudly and...disrespectfully questioning the wisdom of the decisions I support would greatly erode the notion that the Champion and her pack have made their decisions with confidence and resolve. So why is it then, Rhazii, that you would do such things in front of every single one of the most important people that I need to keep happy with my leadership?"