[quote=@Penny]Ok. Even if that is true which I dont think it is I don't need to engage in personal relationships with people whose political views are completely abhorrent to me. I am required to maintain professional ones of course. [/quote] And participate in their weddings, as the case may be. Come to think of it I've never heard of an atheist bakery whining about business at a Christian wedding, so..... yeah that checks out. [quote]I am using a literal nazi as a rhetorical device to demonstrate that there do exist people who are so despicable that I would not share a meal with them. You are correct in inferring that I would put people other than Nazis in this category as my previous posts confirm.[/quote] Real talk -- where do you draw that line? I imagine "grab 'em by the pussy" is probably a dealbreaker. What about (and I don't wanna be leading here, just spitballing) like a gun owner, or a sock-sandal person, or a male cat person -- if you're in charge of the arrangements and there are no laws/lawsuits to impact your decision, who gets sent to the Nazi table?