[quote=@Penny] [@SleepingSilence] I went back and added the () in case you weren't able to figure out I was being sarcastic. (I hope that helps.) [/quote] I honestly thought you meant, the blah blah blah, which I already pointed out as snark already. But I again would have given mild credit with my own snark. But, since its refering to "I wouldn't want old people to commit suicide by burning down their house with them inside, because I acknowledge there's potential danger." now I you've gotten me to question, which part was sarcastic? <.<' Because ( ) isn't used by me, for sarcasm. To clarify. It's suppose (or well I usually use it) to separate thoughts. Like "I hope that helps", works fine with snark. The statement you gave was hyperbolic, sure. But there was no irony or "'the weather's fine' while drippin wet" sarcasm present. It basically just said. 'You wouldn't want people to use a more destructive methods of suicide. ' So...did you -not- mean that? You did specify, in your previous argument, which by the by, you didn't say it was a personal believe. You thought it was already in law. That we had a right to kill ourselves. And that you couldn't stop people, nor even judge them because suicide wasn't PC enough term for you, from jumping into traffic and jumping from your school or work building so everyone can see it. <.<'