Neil had been merely relaxing, his eyes having grown somewhat heavy. Usually he was a late kinda guy, but that last bump on the head really had thrown him for a loop. The young pilot had propped the chair back and had taken the time to recline comfortably when the Prince arrived and stole his attention. "Ah, Prince Aiden. How goes it?" The heir smiled, not used to being so informal, though he clearly didn't mind. He continued with his line of questioning, and Neil spun his chair around, considering why he was curious. After a moment, he supposed he didn't care too much. What would be the harm in telling him, anyway. They were heroes. "Yes. The Captain's been fighting a few years longer than I have, but I've seen my share of professional action." Neil admitted. "She seems a remarkable woman," Aiden confided, continuing before Neil could have a reaction to that. "Did you serve together?" "No, I served on my home planet of Fortus. Sayeeda's been all over the place. I couldn't rightly give an accurate number of worlds, but she's fought on more than most people have probably been on." Neil said. "I did most of my travel after being discharged. Now we just get by best we can." "What is the young girl's name? Taya?" Neil nodded. The Prince gave a small smile as if he had a very amusing thought. "She seems quite intelligent, though a bit out of place on this ship." "I think we're all in agreement on that, but we like having her. If you want to know more about her, I'm sure she'd love to talk to you about it." Neil chuckled, and he took a sip of the cola he'd had next to him. The Prince idly gazed at the cockpit's inner workings as he continued, eyes following the row of knobs that indicated the thrusters. "You know I've been looking for contractors to perform some work for me. I cannot confide the details at the moment, but needless yo say I'm impressed by the ship. Captain Cykali tells me you're a fine pilot." "Thank you, your highness." "By the way..." He asked, casually pipping the question within the conversation. "Where did you get that marking on your hand?" "My first job aboard the Highlander. One of the locals gave it to me. I decided to keep it. Cool tat, right?" [@Penny]