[quote=@mdk] And participate in their weddings, as the case may be. Come to think of it I've never heard of an atheist bakery whining about business at a Christian wedding, so..... yeah that checks out. [/quote] If someone I don't like invites me to their wedding I don't go. That is in my private capacity. If someone I don't like comes into the ER I treat them to the best of my ability. That is my professional capacity. [quote=@mdk] Real talk -- where do you draw that line? I imagine "grab 'em by the pussy" is probably a dealbreaker. What about (and I don't wanna be leading here, just spitballing) like a gun owner, or a sock-sandal person, or a male cat person -- if you're in charge of the arrangements and there are no laws/lawsuits to impact your decision, who gets sent to the Nazi table? [/quote] Pussy grabbers are an obvious one. If you are a hard core misogynist I'm completely uninterested in having a relationship with you. Gun owners are a pretty broad church and I need more of a case by case basis. There is a world of difference between the former marine who shoots competitively and the Sandy Hook denier who is arming himself for the race war. I know you would like me to come up with some sweeping statement that draws a clear boundary but the issue has too many layers to separate out conveniently and listing particular groups individual would be long and necessarily incomplete. I think the closet I can come is that if you are 'punching down' at others (ie anti-LGBTQ people), or peddling hate (I'm not interested hearing your defense of the ethnostate) I have to start asking serious questions as to whether I want anything to do with you. Some of these groups include: Nazis, White Nationalists, misgoinsits, anti-choice people, fundamentalist Christians, fundamentalist Muslims, people who are cruel to children and animals, homophobes, transphobes, bigots of various stripes, people that support deporting children, MS-13, people who proudly proclaim they have never seen star wars and so on. Interesting and tangentially related. I think its a bit extreme but I sympathize. [url]http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/politics/state/dating-new-york-trump/[/url]