Neil was both surprised, and yet not. He'd seen how the Prince seemed to really admire the Captain, and most of the time a man starts with admiration and finds their interest leading straight to the dick. Neil could understand. He was attracted to women of talent and competence, and it seemed the prince was as well. And yet, he honestly hadn't thought that Aiden here would be bold enough to ask him that question. "Nnnno." Neil said simply, dragging it out. Not for a lack of interest on Neil's part. The pilot had hit on her a few times, was amazed at her badass moves, and she had an uncomfortable habit of turning him on. (It was why he usually hit on her and not Taya) But she'd never shown even a passing interest in him (which GREATLY offended him because WHY NOT) and he'd never pressed the issue, and there was also still the chain of command. Plus with Quetzalli in such relatively recent memory, he didn't exactly know how he really felt with this line of questioning. So far he was just having a good time as a crew member. "-We are not. I'm mostly trouble for her, haha. Why do you ask?" Neil said, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, I thought Princes married politically." It was mostly a joke, an amused smile curving on the pilot's face. Aiden Amalric tapped his chair arms. "You have a point. But I think a prince is allowed to ask a hero for a drink, yes?" Neil balanced the thought process in his head. He hadn't considered the crew might have gained some form of status from this recent rescue. "Does this make [i]me[/i] anything?" "I beg your pardon?" "Like..." he spread a hand out, as if placing letters in the air, flashing his hand at each syllable for emphasis. "Neil! Grand. Baron. of. Dar'monad." "...Probably not, but you'll still be a hero?" [hr] Taya fell flat on her rump, groaning at the last leg sweep of the exercise. Sayeeda gave her a hand up, and wiped the hair out of her face, her usually shaved head now growing into something she might need to start managing. "You never answered my question, which is an answer in and of itself I think" Taya remarked, slyly. [@Penny]