"I don't know if he is really my type," Sayeeda responded her ton noncommittal. By reflex she checked the load of the plasma rifle even though she was already sure it was empty. Aiden was an attractive man in many respects but he was also a prince and an aristocrat, not someone to be trifled with. "Beside's I doubt an old hag like me would stand much of a chance with a pretty young thing like you melting all over him," she said with a straight face. "Ha. Ha. Ha Ha," Taya responded as she took a bulb of water from the sink and drank deeply. "You are like.. into guys right?" Taya asked an eyebrow quirking. Sayeeda grinned wolfishly as the pair of them headed out into the cargo bay. Most of the soldiers were sacked out wherever they could improvise beds. Empty cola cans rolled around everywhere, apparently the word that Aiden was buying their cargo had gotten around. "I've always sort of taken affection where I could get it," Sayeeda replied with another grin that set the younger woman giggling. "Besides did you ever consider that the Prince might be into guys? Maybe Neil has a better chance than either of us?" As the words left her mouth Aiden appeared from the cockpit ladder way with a pleased smile on his face. Sayeeda and Taya dissolved into instant laughter in front of the stunned noble. ___________________________________________ Sayeeda twitched convulsively and her palms itched. All around her bright lights burst in flurries of gorgeous color. In her minds eye she saw hilltops exploding as plasma shells blew them into consituent atoms, trace elments blazing in a gorgeous arry of colors as they burned. "...I said is it not wonderful Captain?" It was Aiden standing in the entryway as the Highlander coasted down towards the capitol of Yilryia, the capitol of Dar'monad. All around them fireworks burst and beneath them crowds waved banners with apparent enthusiasm. The city itself was a true wonder. Gorgeous structures of stunning archtictural daring soared all around them. Slender marble spires and impressive palaces stetched for miles. Air cars zipped between roof top landing pads and the cerullian brightness of the city was broken by scupted parks and creative water features. She flinched again as another blast echoed of the hull. It was beautiful but Junebug could have done without the fireworks. "Very, I will admit its not like most worlds I have ever visited," she confided. "How so?" Aiden asked in a tone of polite interest. "On most worlds I've visited people were shooting at me." Aiden laughed at the not quite joke, his earnest face and infectious good humor drawing a reluctant smile from her. "Don't spend too much time talking to Ranald then, before you know it you will believe there is a sniper lurking behind every statue." Junebug knew the remark was meant to be a joke but the stern faced old soldier was hardly the joking kind. "We have clearence to land in the Primate's Plaza, whatever that is," Taya chimed in helpfully, touching her keypad to highlight hte landing area for Neil. [@POOHEAD189]