[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] *In Harbinger Voice* This is baseless slander, I've seen no evidence this person is a racist, and even if they were, that word means nothing anymore because of the media. [/quote] [i]When you have nothing clever or original to say, attempt to undermine your opposition by being exaggerated and unrealistic in mocking parody of them.[/i] How cute, do let me know when you mature and have an actual point to make. Until then I suppose I will be left both wanting and waiting for better. On a related note, wonderful failure to portray me once more. If you wanted to be accurate you would have been wise to note that the media is hardly a reliable source and that they are masters of spin, not like there are ways to validate people's track records or anything that would suggest their intentions or capabilities, or that there are open agendas out against anyone who speaks against the media's reporting, or there too are too many lazy, content souls quick to label anything they dislike "racist" or "fascist". Then again, accuracy isn't your interest in this - being "funny" is.