[h3] The Citadel [/h3] Commander Green watched, with his usual,y slightly amused impassivity, as shortly after Commander Botrelle's departure, the other representative of the biological warfare department, stood up and walked out of the meeting without a word. His mile widened ever so slightly, before he addressed the visitor's question. [color=a2d39c]"No, Commander Lovette, it's not common practice here for people to simply walk out of interdepartmental meetings."[/color] he responded. [color=a2d39c]"...most have a little more sense than that. On that note, we must press on and take a vote in regards to my proposal to outsource certain work from the medical research department. All in favour of assigning some alchemists from biological research?"[/color] There were more than a few hands raised, taking advantage of the opportunity to both shirk potential additional workload by offloading it onto someone else, and the opportunity to do it without that someone else knowing they'd been one of those to do so. [color=a2d39c] "Very well if there are no objections that should work out wonderfully."[/color] Shortly after, the door opened and they were greeted by the base's Viceroy himself. [color=a2d39c]"Quite well Viceroy Varren, quite well. We've had a few unplanned absences due to circumstances, but we've managed as best we can. I believe matters are more or less worked out."[/color]