[center][h3]On The Road To Elibe[/h3][/center] ~[@Lugubrious], [@Eisenhorn]~ [quote=Jerod Staudinger][color=a0410d]"Seems I indeed forgot to introduce myself in all that excitement. Jerod Staudinger, at your service. And to get the chain of potential questions out of the way, yes, the same as the House Staudinger back in Elibe. You might have had the misfortune of meeting my elder two siblings, circumstances depending."[/color][/quote] "[color=deepskyblue]Ah, I knew I recognized you.[/color]" Keerin noted, still with an emotionless tone. "[color=deepskyblue]You are quite famous, well infamous, for being the problem child of the Staudinger family. You were prone to fighting and then ran away with a rapier.[/color]" She listed some of [u]Jerod's[/u] past. "[color=deepskyblue]I'm not sure being associated with a delinquent noble would help Prince Jarde's position.[/color]" "[color=ivory]Well as long no one recognizes Jerod and he doesn't stick his head out, I'm sure he can help.[/color]" Jarde argued for [u]Jerod[/u]. "[color=ivory]Although, we may come into conflict with your family, Jerod, or your friends. Are you alright with that?[/color]" He then asked the mercenary. "[color=ed1c24]Or better yet, do you have any friends that could help us out?[/color]" [quote=Rionach]“My name is Rionach. A traveling hero from Valentia, hoping to spread my name across the land.”[/quote] "[color=ivory]Ah, I remember you. You were the one who pledged to serve me since I saved you.[/color]" Jarde recalled. "[color=ivory]Err, sorry for not responding to that. My mind was a bit occupied at the time. Well, that was a lie, my mind was pretty occupied, hehe.[/color]" The prince sheepishly apologized. "[color=ivory]B-But anyway, please think nothing of my rescue towards you. We were allies and comrades in that battle and comrades must look out for each other.[/color]" Jarde explained. "[color=ivory]You don't have to serve me out of gratitude but I will accept your service if you still offer it.[/color]" [quote=Rionach]“Never, my lady. I would never impugn on my Prince's honor after he saved my life.”[/quote] Merilia's glare only sharpened. If it were a knife, [u]Rionach[/u] would already have been stabbed. "[color=deepskyblue]Miss Rionach.[/color]" Keerin called [u]Rionach's[/u] attention. "[color=deepskyblue]We are heading to Elibe which is very far from your homeland Valentia. And with war as a possibility, your home might be in trouble.[/color]" The Sage began. "[color=6ecff6]Do not misunderstand, I am not trying to drive you away. I just want you to know that we may not be seeing Valentia in the near future.[/color]" Keerin explained. "[color=ed1c24]Well, if she's helping us out, she would helping end the war. Right? Heck, we might even stop this whole thing before news even reaches her home.[/color]" Merilia, surprisingly, argued in favor of you. [hr] [center][h3]On The Road To Archanea[/h3][/center] ~[@Polaris North] (LNA)~ [quote=Luna][color=ed145b]"My name is Luna, a General from Archanea sent jut in case of a fight. Needless to say, I haven't done my job properly, regrettably. I hope you do not change your way of treating me to befit my position." [/color][/quote] "[color=mediumorchid]Well, we're not under your command so we weren't going to treat you differently anyway.[/color]" Shade replied with a smirk. "[color=mediumorchid]...Hey uhh, sorry about what happened back there. I'm sure you had men there under your command as well as people you knew...[/color]" She suddenly apologized. "[color=red]What will you do when we get to Archanea?[/color]" Emma then asked. "[color=red]Me and Shade here are going to try and find out what really happened in Dragonrage Pass. But you are a general of Archanea...[/color]" She then gave a sad smile. "[color=red]You're going back to the army, aren't you? A general doesn't belong in a ragtag group. A general should be serving his or her country and leading armies.[/color]" "[color=mediumorchid]Come now, Emma. Everyone's got their duties to perform.[/color]" Shade assured the Pegasus Knight. "[color=mediumorchid]Although, I hope you'll lend us aid as a person of authority in Archanea.[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]On The Road To Somewhere[/h3][/center] ~[@Polaris North] (FRN)~ [quote=Ferrian][color=00aeef]"No, I am not that 'special person'. I was merely stopping over for a quick nap before continuing in my travels."[/color][/quote] "[color=royalblue]Picking a nap in a place called 'Dragonrage Pass'? I'm not sure if that's a bright idea.[/color]" Jake said, unintentionally echoing someone who made a similar remark. [quote=Ferrian][color=00aeef]"I know you."[/color][/quote] "[color=crimson]Oh, really?[/color]" Anna giggled, not at all perturbed by your words of recognition. "[color=crimson]I guess I just have one of those faces.[/color]" "[color=royalblue]Well, it's nice to meet you Ferrian.[/color]" Jake said. "[color=royalblue]Though, I hope you don't mind me asking but are you really going to stick with us?[/color]" He then asked. "[color=royalblue]I'm gonna be honest with you, man. Where we're going, it's going to be rough. Right honey?[/color]" "[color=crimson]Hee hee. I really hope you didn't take me seriously when I said I was just going to sell stuff.[/color]" Anna smiled. "[color=crimson]Me and Jake, well me especially, aren't... Twenty-four seven merchants, if you know what I mean.[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]Dragonrage Pass[/h3][/center] ~[@Sho Minazuki]~ You return to Dragonrage Pass at the site of the battle. Arriving there, you find that you were the only soul there besides the crows and ravens helping themselves on the remains of the aftermath. A sea of dead bodies, both human and Dwarven, covered the pass and the stench of death filled the air. The place was eerily quiet besides the caws of the scavenging birds. Even the sky itself felt dread at the scene, opting for a gray sky with clouds covering the morning sun. Making way to the Tellian encampment, you simply see more dead soldiers with these ones mostly dressed in Tellian uniforms. You recognize some of the bodies belonging to captains and sergeants. Some had the wounds from the axes of Dwarves, some from the hellish blades of Varjo while some had wounds from weapons from the Concilium itself. There was nothing for you here but a prelude of what was to come in Arcadia.