[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/7a8151761aee2c94e7416d084d10d08a/tumblr_ndenutnen41tpqqiho1_500.gif[/img] [b][color=orangered]“The Darkest Minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces.”[/color][/b][/center][hr] [center][h1][b]WORLD UPDATE[/b][/h1][/center] [hr][@Rawk][@Takida Inigo][@alexfangtalon] The PSF pelted with rocks is groaning but because of his training, he instinctively reaches for his weapon. There aren't many PSF's in the same general area as you but the ones you can see other than the one bombarded with rocks are all running towards the Central Control building. [hr][@Ever] Running towards the fighting you realize that none of the PSF's notice you coming up behind them. You realize that they are firing at the adults with the white armbands. The PSF's have the armbands heavily outnumbered but it's obvious that the armbands have better cover and equipment. It's a toss-up right now as to who will get the upper hand. Far off to your right you hear a scream. Looking over you can see a kid with an armband leading eight small girls away from the fighting but they have been cornered by three PSF's. Who do you choose to assist? [hr][@alexfangtalon][@Xandrya][@Always] Inside your cabin, the fighting seems to be muffled. Could it be you feel comfort in this room or is it just who you are with. Jasmine was the first to speak up in response to Lucy's query. "If this really is a rescue like that message implied I say we work together to get out of here taking as many people with us as possible." The other girls started nodding, but then the one who refused to communicate finally speaks up. "I'm not going to be a coward like y'all. I'm taking the fight right to those monsters." She barged passed the small group and left the cabin. Turning to look at all of you one last time she said, "Thanks for being good friends." and then ran off to join the fight. [hr][@sly13] The moment the signal came your cabin had not flinched. Half of you ran to the Central Control Building while the other half started helping get kids to the exit. However, despite knowing what was coming and the extra training from Jeremey who you knew was a part of this whole thing the chaos still was a little unnerving. But if you realize it or not that is part of what proves you are still human and not some monster the PSF's believe you are. Currently, you are leading a group of eight younger girls towards the exit but you've been caught off guard by three PSF's. only one of them seems to have his weapon though. So, maybe the nine of you can somehow get the upper hand?