[center][hr][h3][color=8882be]Aliana Agüero.[/color][/h3] [b][code]The Campsite - Docks.[/code][/b] [hider=Interactions][@Surtr Inc] & [@Zombiedude101] & [@Duoya][/hider][hr] It was safe to say that Aliana was glad that her more adventurous friend had agreed to stay put. It wasn't that she didn't [i]want[/i] to go traipsing straight into whatever was causing that caphocony of horrible noises. It was just that [i]she didn't want to go traipsing straight into whatever was causing that caphocony of horrible noises.[/i] Call it instict, [i]and her instinct was [b]good[/b][/i] but she didn't trust whatever was happening at the campsite. Those noises didn't seem [i]fake.[/i] The idea of this camping trip becoming a slaughter fest was enough to make her hair stand on end. She was already on edge enough from the darkness around them but the idea of anything else? [i]Awful.[/i] She was glad that she'd opted to stay by the docks. Not only was the view better but she'd managed to avoid that entire scenario down there. It didn't stop her from being curious about what was occurring though. When she saw the figure bolting towards them, all the curiosity quickly drained away. She [i]didn't want to know.[/i] "[color=8882be][i]Oh holy[/i] crap, [i]that's[/i] comforting.[/color]" The dark gave way to the features of a very panicked young man, who in his frenzy had thought it was appropriate to precariously steer their small group behind a storage shed. In her fight or flight state, she had nearly drove her foot into his shin. [i]That would have been a great first impression.[/i] The sheer palor of his terrified face had been enough to stave off the response. He looked like he was barely holding it together, hell, he didn't look like he was holding it together [i]at all.[/i] She quickly stepped back from him, shooting a confused glance to Lynette as he addressed her directly. She immediately felt her mouth go dry at what he said. [i]Somebody died.[/i] Now, that made her immediately nervous. Somewhere out here in the dark was a monster, a creature who's intent was to hurt these kids. Somewhere out here in the dark was something that she didn't want the pleasure of seeing. "[color=8882be]Oh no, oh [i]shit.[/i] You poor thing.[/color]" she sounded sympathetic but her mind was racing through a thousand different scenarios. She could outrun a lot of things but [i]a monster?[/i] "[color=8882be]This is messed up. Lynette. Do you think it's even possible run out of here? Where do we [i]hide?[/i][/color]" [/center]