[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vhjXRfZ.png[/img][/center] [hider=Ryndarra Kirileth] [hider=Jedi Temple Public Records - File #REK9047582] [b] Name: [/b] Ryndarra Elinwen Kirileth [b] Species: [/b] Pureblood Sith [b] Age: [/b] 17 [b] Gender: [/b] Female [b] Height: [/b] Six feet, one inch - 185.42 cm [b] Weight: [/b] 198 pounds - Approx. 90 kg [b] Date of Birth: [/b] Estimated 3670 BBY [b] Faction: [/b] Jedi Order [b] Rank: [/b] Padawan [b] Date of Elevation: [/b] 3655 BBY (Age 14) [b] Master: [/b] Jarr Gantor, human male, aged 59. See File #JMFG6439888 for more details. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Imperial Acquisition Notes - Pureblood Sith Ryndarra Kirileth - Fabricated by K. A. N. Sydarai] [h3][sub]When and where was the prisoner acquired?[/sub][/h3] This prisoner was acquired during the Great Purge of the Coruscant Temple during the war. This prisoner was subdued after a fire-fight, which indicates that the prisoner is perhaps not as well-trained in the skills of the saber as other Jedi taken prisoner from the temple compounds. [h3][sub]What is the prisoner wearing? Is this what the prisoner wore prior to capture?[/sub][/h3] When captured, this prisoner was in the possession of fairly typical clothing of the Jedi Order: Knee-high brown leather boots, snow white cloth trousers, a snow white cloth tunic and robe, and a brown leather belt. The prisoner's injuries were severe in the raid on Coruscant, and as a result, currently the prisoner is recuperating in a kolto tank. As such, it has not been deemed necessary to issue the prisoner clothing as of this moment; however, her old clothing is in storage - perhaps reuniting her with them may spark an emotional response, which can be latched onto and exploited. The prisoner had no padawan braid; initially, I thought that this was as a result of her inexperience and low rank within the Jedi Order - perhaps an initiate of some kind - but upon investigation, I have been able to determine that this was actually as a result of the firefight that occurred just prior to the prisoner's capture in the Temple, and that the prisoner *is* a fully-fledged padawan. According to reports from those who captured her, a stray grenade fragment seems to have scraped the side of the prisoner's head, close enough to burn flesh and hair. The remnants of a braid could be seen on the left side of the prisoner's head, close to several minor shrapnel lacerations. The prisoner's injuries are, as ranked in order of severity: Blaster bolt impact to the Chest - Severe Shrapnel wounds to the head, chest, left arm and left thigh - Severe Blaster bolt impact to the left shoulder - Serious Blaster bolt near-miss to the left leg - Minor Concussive shock to the brain - Minor These injuries should be left to heal in the kolto tank, in my most humble opinion. The chest injuries in particular will be particularly debilitating to the prisoner if left unhealed, rendering her useless in a matter of moments under torture. [h3][sub]Were any items confiscated upon capture?[/sub][/h3] There was one item of note confiscated upon capture; a surprisingly ornate lightsaber. The blade is yellow in colouration. The handle of the lightsaber is silvered with intricate gilded decorations around the hilt and hand guard - the exact chemical composition of the grip is yet to be analysed. Such an intricate weapon is most unusual in this instance. It should be investigated. In addition, the prisoner was armed with a standard-issue Imperial blaster. It seems that the prisoner, instead of using what lightsaber skills she possessed, preferred to take her chances with a blaster against Imperial personnel. The likely course of actions she took was that initially she used her lightsaber, and then armed herself with the blaster once Imperial personnel outnumbered her considerably. According to reports, she was able to dispatch several troopers before succumbing to multiple injuries. If anything, this shows her versatility and willingness to use alternative methods to achieve her goal - something that could prove useful were she to be turned to the Empire. [h3][sub]What mistakes led to the prisoner’s captivity?[/sub][/h3] The prisoner was, like many of these unfortunate wretches, in the wrong place, at the wrong time - at least from a Republic point of view. For us, however, a most valuable boon. It seemed from the setup of the room she was captured defending that she was preparing to meet with her master, perhaps to depart on a new mission out of Coruscant Temple. The room was a reading chamber of some sort, and Imperial personnel breached the door, gunning down a Jedi librarian inside before they were able to react. However, the prisoner was quick to respond, and felled several troopers before arming herself with a blaster and proceeding to use the gun to pin down Imperial reinforcements until eventually, the prisoner was subdued by a combination of wounds sustained from blaster fire and several grenades thrown into the room. The prisoner had no real place to run. Defeat was inevitable; that she survived at all was fortunate. [h3][sub]What talents, if any, has the prisoner demonstrated with the Force?[/sub][/h3] The prisoner did not demonstrate visibly much talent with the Force. What was shown was primarily basic Force powers, such as limited telekinetic ability, limited healing and Force-assisted acrobatics. Imperial Intelligence have estimated her abilities to be the following - bear in mind this also includes intelligence extrapolated from decrypted Jedi records of the prisoner, including age and estimated strength with the Force: [b][u]( ESTIMATION LEVELS: Untapped Potential / Green / Regular / Well-Versed / Crack / Elite )[/u][/b] Basic Force Powers - Regular Force Healing - Green. Likely taught to her during her initiation. Unsure as to why, but perhaps it has been to assist in the purging of the Dark Side from her body and spirit. This will need to be kept under close observation. [i]Crucitorn? - Possibly Green[/i] - This is implied given her resilience to injuries sustained during the Coruscant Raid. Whether she [i]is[/i] trained in it or not, I am unsure. Force Stun - Green [h3][sub]Has the prisoner demonstrated any other skills?[/sub][/h3] The prisoner, as explained before, has a remarkable talent for versatility in the heat of the action. Instead of continuing the battle with her lightsaber, the prisoner instead seemed to fall back on some form of soldier training, finding cover and utilising a blaster, pinning down Imperial troops in the doorway to the chamber. This implies to me that the prisoner is at least versed in common military tactical manoeuvres and training, which is unusual for a Jedi. It is of course possible that the prisoner may have simply been acting on instinct, but this is countered by the prisoner tricking several members of the Imperial military into entering the room after assuming that she had been incapacitated, only to gun them down and, in the confusion, reload and re-arm! Such a trick, although primitive, nevertheless indicates a highly tactically-focused mind. In addition to this, the prisoner's files from the Jedi Temple, which have been recovered thanks to the efforts of several Intelligence personnel, indicate that the prisoner has quite a wide-ranging education, ranging from history (of course, told from a Republic standpoint, which no doubt will influence her view on the galaxy), mathematics, language, law, chemistry (of all things) and medicine. She is sharp-witted and sharp-tongued - Jedi records state that many times she has strayed from the Jedi Code's teachings, proving that she is vulnerable to corruption, yet also versatile in her approach to matters. She is also an excellent card player, indulging in games of sabacc, cribbage and bridge - according to files from her master, their preferred method of relaxation was a game of bridge with tea and cakes. A most civilised occasion. Perhaps this can be used? Another interesting note; the prisoner speaks with a Dromund Kaas accent. You can take the Sith out of Kaas City, but you can't take the Kaas City out of the Sith. [h3][sub]No doubt prisoner resisted capture. What lightsaber form(s) did the prisoner demonstrate training in?[/sub][/h3] The prisoner's primary lightsaber form is undoubtedly that of Form I: Shii-Cho. The prisoner also displayed elements of Form III: Soresu during the fire-fight that resulted in her capture, able to deflect blaster bolts with surprising ease and regularity, which would indicate at least a basic understanding of the tenets of Soresu. Whether the prisoner is able to utilise Form III in any way aside from blaster avoidance is unknown at the current time. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Jedi Classified Records - File #REK9047582 - Decrypted by K. A. N. Sydarai] [h3][sub]How powerful is the padawan in the Force?[/sub][/h3] The initiate has the potential to be great with the Force. Her Sith Pureblood lineage is no doubt the cause of this strength, for Republic intelligence has informed us that Ryndarra is the daughter of a high-ranking member of the Sith Order. According to further intelligence, this parent is known to be Seshan Kirileth, with her mother being Idirelle, a pureblood Sith that Seshan enslaved after a duel, and kept as a slave for the purpose of furthering the family. This undoubtedly would go a long way in explaining her power. However, she has been unable to temper her raw power with proper adherence to the Jedi Code, and as such her training has been somewhat retarded in its scope until Ryndarra can learn to embrace the Code more fully. [h3][sub]What is the Jedi’s history? What events has shaped his or her life before and after joining the Jedi Order?[/sub][/h3] -ERROR: RECORDS CORRUPTED OR INCOMPLETE- (Sydarai, K. A. N.: This was discovered on a data crystal found with the prisoner, in a pocket. It seems to be some form of life story, perhaps dictated to keep a record of her life. She may have been undergoing stress in her daily routines, and felt it necessary to vent to this data crystal. As such, it may prove useful.) Where to begin... I suppose one must start at the start. What I can remember is this; my name is Ryndarra Kirileth. My father, Lord Seshan Kirileth, is a member of the Sith Order, and my mother... I don't remember. I think she was some slave he kept around for his own personal entertainment. I doubt I was her only child, at the very least. But then again, maybe I was... I do remember him doting on me, indulging my seemingly every will, perhaps nursing me to power at an early age. I remember growing up on Dromund Kaas, the planet of constant rain. I remember a nanny who took care of me when father was out, or away, or off-planet, and I remember the guards who I used to play with. The guards in particular were nice to me... I remember them watching drilling every now and then, when I could get away from the nanny who would forever want me to practice my numbers or my letters in Aurebesh or Ancient Sith. It was so interesting to watch them fight each other, and it was even better when they used to spot me waving from the balcony, and then they'd do things to impress me, like marching up and down in perfect step! But I also remember the time when some associates of my father said that I'd have to go to Korriban soon. I think I was about five or six at the time; that's usually when the Sith send their children off to be taught - well, more like butchered, if any stories are true - at Korriban Academy. I remember this so clearly it's unnerving. My father shook his head and muttered something under his breath, and then, when they had left our home, he flew into a rage! By the Force, I'd never seen him so angry. He said that he'd never abandon me to the Academy, that he could train me himself! I don't know why he said it, because he wasn't that strong in the Force, nor was he all that high in the Order, but he was adamant; I'd never see Korriban unless it was to be inducted. I don't know what the *rest* of the Sith Order would have made of that, mind... probably toss him out on his kiester and tell him to shape up or ship out. Or whatever it is the Sith do to those kinds of people. Probably not as nice as that, actually... But I never really did see Korriban, not with my own eyes. All I saw of it was from holo-vids and the like, never the actual planet. My father, apparently so keen to introduce me to the ways of the Sith, began to train me himself in physical exercises that I didn't really understand, or appreciate for that matter. He would work until I was sore and aching all over, and then make me work more, because he said that through pain came progress, and that pain and anger should fuel your energies. It was a real shock to the pampered life I'd led before. It took a while for the lessons to sink in... but they did, I think. The person who was supposed to train me in the ways of the Sith never arrived to the best of my knowledge. What he then did I'll never be able to explain. He took me, his only child that he actually gave half a credit about, to the front lines. He was anxious to prove himself to the higher-ups, I guess, and he took me along to this world that the Republic and Empire had been fighting over for months, I don't remember the name. [i](The planet was Berdan III. - Sydarai)[/i] But the planet had mostly been taken for the Empire, so he decided to take me there to show me what happened to those who opposed the Empire. Up the Imperials, and all that. So you can imagine his shock when the Republic launched a counter-offensive that ended up driving all the way back to the starting trench lines! That was when the Republic simultaneously struck at the Imperial command tower that my father and I were residing in, with a Republic commando team, no less. What happened on the planet after that is unknown to me. Master Gantor told me that I was found, half-dead and concussed, by Republic troopers sifting through the wreckage of the tower once it had been blown by the commando teams. At first, several of the troopers wanted to shoot me [i](Surely not! An innocent young girl, murdered in cold blood? That's not the Republic way... is it? - Sydarai)[/i] but their commanding officer, a man called Sergeant Arwine, said to spare my life and get me medical attention. It's funny, considering how often my father derided the Republic and called them spineless cowards - they came very close to shooting me in cold blood without so much as a by-your-leave. Perhaps the Republic aren't so spineless after all. I was loaded onto a medical transport and delivered to Coruscant, whereupon I was separated from the other prisoners - not that there were many - and taken to the Jedi Temple there. There, my fate was decided. Some wanted me to have nothing to do with the Jedi Order, viewing me as unsuitable for its tenets. They said that the dark side ran strongly within me, and that the Jedi code was incompatible with such traits - far better to have me simply kept under guard at all times as a prisoner. Others saw me as too dangerous to be left alone with my powers with the Force, and advocated training me, but kept separate from all others - almost trained in a one-on-one situation. I don't exactly remember what they decided - obviously I was to train with the Jedi, but my early training I can't remember much about. But I do know the location of my training - H'Ratth. I can only guess that H'Ratth, with its emphasis on healing and rejuvenation, was the perfect place to purge the dark side energies in me. Whether it was successful or not, I guess only time will tell. I was ostracised, isolated like a quarantine victim, a victim of my own blood. They kept me away from all the other children my age - all I knew were these people so much older than me, who taught me, who drilled the Jedi Code into my head. It seemed to defy the Sith Code in all things - there is no emotion, there is peace. But the Sith said peace was a lie. And then I think to myself - if peace was a lie, what would happen if the Empire won? Who would the Empire fight? [i](This line of thought needs to be purged from her. It's dangerous. - Sydarai)[/i] But the Jedi seemed to instil in me a sort of... peacefulness. A calmness that I'd not felt... probably ever before. I was much stronger in the Force than the others of my age, but still they held me away from the others... even when they thought I was able to control my dark side urgings. Why? Was it simply my Sith appearance? Was I some trophy to them, the first Sith raised from an early age to be a Jedi initiate? Perhaps trot me out at grand occasions? Or did they not know what to do with me? I'd passed my tests on H'Ratth, I was eligible to become a Padawan, and yet they kept me back... and back. But then, Master Gantor arrived. He had heard of me and read up on who I was, where I had been and all about me. And he wanted to see if he could mould me into a Jedi Knight worthy of the Republic. So I began my training underneath him. Master Gantor was a warrior first and foremost. He was a man of action, a man of staunch resistance and stern temperance. A laconic man who believed he could forge me into a weapon of the Republic. He trained me, he taught me to control the darkness within myself, the darkness within perhaps all of us. I think Master Gantor saw in me something that nobody else saw; I think he saw a way to turn the dark side into the service of the light. We journeyed aplenty in the Republic, purging insurgencies on planets such as Sormoran IV and Jar Harrad, and he trained me in the art of the saber. The insurgencies were interesting - some were simply separatist movements, but others were more... insidious, some of them were Imperial cells. It made me think about things... inwardly, I felt wary about trusting people. Some of those we had met shortly after landfall on Jar Harrad had turned out to be members of an Imperial cell operating on the planet. It was strange, fighting those who you had once considered brothers or sisters-in-arms... Master Gantor was still wary of my potential, I felt... he didn't seem all that keen on expanding my knowledge of the Force. I never confronted him about it, but I felt the same thing as before - were the Jedi keeping me back as a result of my species, my bloodline? I guess only time will tell. We're going back to Coruscant for a while. Hopefully these matters will be sorted out soon. From one extreme to the other. That's the best way to describe my life so far. I was first to join the Sith, and then suddenly, here I am thrown into the Jedi Order, and expected to subscribe to their mantras of peace and serenity. When there's a war going on, I'm expected to be serene and peaceful when hundreds of thousands fight and die every day? [h3][sub]What associates does the Jedi have? How close is he or she to them?[/sub][/h3] This individual has very few associations. This is of her own doing. [i](Hah! I think not. - Sydarai)[/i] [h3][sub]Has the subject encountered any Sith that are presumed to still be alive?[/sub][/h3] No Sith encounters are recorded with this individual. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Out Of Character Information - Legion_X51] [b] Any limits on what may happen to your character? [/b] Not particularly. I'd prefer it if she wasn't executed, but if things go that way, then she might have to die. [b] How will your Jedi maintain his/her calm in captivity? [/b] Like most Jedi, I think she'll maintain it largely through hope, meditation and bloody-minded raw will. [b] Is your Jedi able to hold out well against pain and torture? [/b] Ryndarra is no stranger to a good physical battering. It will take a lot to get her screaming. Mentally, she's probably much more susceptible. Her raising by the Jedi and their treatment of her during her adolescence has riven great scars in her outlook on the world. [b] If given the chance to escape from the Sith Compound, will your character go for it? [/b] If she falls? Hell no. If she remains true to the light, then she will try. [b] If not, why? [/b] If she falls to the dark side, then she's going to want to prove herself on the other Jedi, that's for sure. If she doesn't escape from the prison and remains a Jedi, she might stay to help those gravely injured by the Sith's torturings. [b] What goals do you have in the IC? [/b] Have fun. Anything else is optional. [b] Do you have any character secrets that the players and/or GMs can use? (you may send these in PM) [/b] ... ehehehe. Wait and see. [/hider] [/hider]