[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180304/bebbea782ff319d972d0c2d32b1a5e58.png[/img][/center][hr][center][hider=Yamagata Ando][img]https://i.imgur.com/WUcjuSD_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img][/hider][/center] [center]Location : Outside of Mess Hall Interacting With : Hisakawa[@TheSeriousJoke] and Suzuki[@Grnmachine][/center][hr] Ando listened as the two spoke. The fact that two more people experienced just waking up here definitely solidifies the theory that they were captured by a powerful group. He waited for them to finished speaking to respond with what he knew. Before he spoke, however, he noticed someone else exiting the building next to them. He simply watched as the man turned away and started running after the girl. That's when he realized that only Ponytail had said his name. The purple-haired guitarist turned back to the two and answered their queries. [color=662d91]"About those other two I'd have to say they are anti-social at best. Don't get close to them as I believe they'd bite your head off. Don't know the girl's name but the boy said he was Taka Tsuin."[/color] Ando then chuckled at a little joke that popped into his head, [color=662d91]"He did say he prefers to be called Ponytail though. The only thing I really figured out from talking to them was that we are connected through our high school. Hope's Peak. So, I assume that is what also connects the two of you to us? As for me, I'm - "[/color] Before he said his name, Ando realized that until he knew what the whole situation was he might as well try and keep his identity a secret in case the targets weren't just random Ultimates. He stuck his hand out to shake their hands as he continued, [color=662d91]"Davis Gallo. Ultimate Conquest."[/color] On his face was such a heartwarming smile. There's no way someone who could seem that sincere would be lying. Could he?