Aelih whistled a heroic tune as the western gate approached, and the guards looked casually at the cloaked newcomer with dirty blonde hair walks nearby One of the guards yawned, relaxed, then called down “State your name and business, if you would” “Aelih, just here for a night” came the response, as Aelih placed a hand over the eyes and looked up through the suns glare at the guards. “So be it.” The gate slowly opens, and Aelih slid through once the gap is large enough to allow it. “Don’t cause any trouble, but I would suggest keeping that spear close at hand there, um, Aelih, was it?” “Yes” A simple response. Aelih passed by and later entered a nearby tavern, tired from the journey that would probably never be expanded on, and grateful for the duel purpose Inn and Tavern. Aelih stepped up to the bar, and sat down at an open stool. The barkeeper, who seemed a bit dazed, stared at Aelih, and notably the spearhead poking out over the left shoulder, for a moment, before starting over. “So, what’ll it be?” He said, in a tone that underlied joyfulness, although he kept it hidden well. “Water, cold please.” Aelih replies rather curtly, and hands over a copper piece. “...waters no cost, you know.” As Aelih does not take the copper piece back, the barkeeper simply shrugs and slips the copper piece into his pocket “I’m afraid there’s no rooms for the night left here, so if you’re here for that, I suggest staying elsewhere” Aelih shrugged in response, and took the water, sipping it then internally grimacing. Cold enough, yes, but not nearly as fresh as would be preferred. [i]”Suppose that’s what happens when you get used to river water”[/i] Aelih thinks, still drinking. A room would be appreciated, although apparently Aelih would have to go searching for one. The glass was picked up by Aelih, as the elf went to go find an open spot to drink, and subsequently sat down at a table with a Myti who seemed distracted by some woman. [i]”None of my business”[/i] Aelih thought, while returning to drinking the cool water.