Demorra heaved and heaved with all her strength, but these damned weeds just would not let go! She noticed Capella begin to sob, and hurriedly said [color=f6989d]"Sorry! I'm sorry! I've almost got you free, promise."[/color] She didn't. The vines were matching her strength, and even beginning to win out a little. Demorra was starting to wonder if the poor girl would be ripped in half before she was freed. Suddenly, a little dog - the one that was trapped in the Mote, before, Demorra realized - ran over and occupied the vines' attention by ripping them right out of the earth. With its assistance, Demorra was able to finally yank Capella free, sending her stumbling backwards a few steps. She sat down heavily, panting. She'd never been an especially strong person, so trying to pull someone free of Mote-empowered grass (Demorra briefly wondered if they were carnivorous) took a bit of a toll on her. Demorra felt a soft impact with her chest, and stiffened, only to relax when she realized that it was the girl she had freed, giving Demorra a hug and burying her face in her chest. She began to stiffen up again, as she realized, [color=f6989d][i]Oh goodness oh gods above there's a cute girl who I've only just met giving me a hug what do I dooooo[/i][/color] Fortunately for Demorra, the man from earlier spoke up. [quote=@TMS Prime] "Get back. Pull her away from...from [i]that[/i]," Griff instructed Demorra. "...And we need to be ready to run," he added quietly. [/quote] Demorra collected herself quickly. [color=f6989d]"Right. I-"[/color] Suddenly, something on the Mote caught her eye, and she stopped, transfixed. She wasn't especially far away from it, so she was able to discern a couple of the runes etched into its surface. As she squinted at them, Demorra realized with a start that she could [i]read[/i] them. They said [color=9e0b0f]Seven[/color] and [color=9e0b0f]Chimaera[/color]. Demorra shook her head. Whatever this was, it could wait. Right now, there were more pressing matters. She turned to Capella, and offered her a hand. [color=f6989d]"Come on, dear. Let's get you up and moving. You heard the man; we need to be ready to leave here at any moment."[/color]