It was all about owning the moment, Neil knew. The spotlight didn't always need to be on you if you took it for a ride everytime it was, even if it was with something as simple as some swagger. The charming pilot stepped forward after Junebug as introduced herself, and he gave another bow. "Neil Edwards, your highness." He said, and inclined his head to his wife. "My Que-...your?...Misses Queen." He bowed again, and the King actually chuckled along with his wife. Next was Taya, and she needed encouragement by the King's waving hand before she would step forward. "Taya of Fornax, your Highness and My Queen. I'm honored to be here. Prince Amalric has been so good loo-...good to us! He...has been great." Her face was as red as a cherry, and she hastily skittered back with a small peep of noise. "You have our deepest gratitude, and we invite you to stay with us for as long as you like while. You're to be commended and rewarded." The King said, and though he seemed quite charismatic, it almost seemed as if even this entire scene of welcoming taxed his stamina. The Queen placed a hand on his shoulder as the King have a tired wheeze, and with that he inclined his head toward the exit. "Come. We shall show you your rooms." [hr] The halls were resplendent and the tapestries of the planet's mythos swayed overhead. Busts of ancient heroes and artwork transported from across the systems were planted and hung around every corner. Neil felt the air was very clean in the palace, as if it had its own life support system. Perhaps it had one in case a catastrophe ever occured on the planet? The Palace could certainly fit a large population. To the Highlander group's surprise, the guest suite was actually an entire wing of the Palace. A great hall was at the center of each lavish room, the hall as tall as sevent stories and filled with comfortable furniture, a large dining table and an electronic hearth, along with a vast vid-caster screen for them to view at their leisure. "Holy shit." Neil breathed. [@Penny]