[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Dynamo Frokane] I can't take anything seriously on here. So not putting jokes aside for me... Yes, I did think that sounded bitter. Dude, well aware that it's generalizing. I also don't really care in this context, because it was stating my own opinion and elaborating on it. Ofcourse it would rely on personal anecdotes. And I don't disagree that sexual attraction/sex life is the contributing factor of most marriages. Though my own argument wasn't about that, and in fact pointed out that was a problem. (even knowing, the 50% marriage/divorce stat is bunk. And most married couples, are statistically more happy and healthy folks.) So, I'm not actually bitter to anyone who finds the right one. Good on them, I'm happy when others are happy. I'm just different, for reasons I'm well aware of and I won't go into further. I call it bullshit progressive terms, because I'm perfectly aware I'm an outlier to societal norms, and considered abnormal as a result. I don't want, nor care if anyone believes or accepts that terminology. I won't change people's mind, [/quote] Sounds very similar to the experiences of the LGBT that you would discard as 'special snowflake' the irony is delicious here. Not that I give a shit, my brother is Asexual, but he doesn't have your crippling arrogance to to try and lecture people on what orientation and attraction entails for the rest of the population that isnt like him. On to traps, itd be hard for you to grasp this concept, not because you are Ace, but because it requires a level of nuance. My point is that orientationans depend on perception and no biological sex. Im sure there are some female celebs you find attactive, and you probably find them attractive from signifiers of femininity, which are obviously extremely more common, but not completely exclusive to the female sex. The reality is, any of the women you (or any other straight guy) find attractive could actually be a biological male. And you might never find out. Nobody gets aroused by someones Y chromosome or lack therof. You are attracted to what you percieve. And by that same reality, if you percieve a trap to be woman, can you really be called gay? Think about that one hard for a moment, and try not to get upset, we are just talking about hypotheticals here.