[quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [@Dynamo Frokane] even if they do not advocate one culture, ethnicity, or race as one superior to another. Congratulations, we might well have found one. [/quote] Why is your definition of racisim so narrow? You do realise you can be a racist without claiming some sort of vague 'supeririority'. They are racists because the discriminate based on race. In this particular case the context of the discrimination extends to those they want living in the european continent, take away the immigration argument, they are concerned with the demographics and advocacy of the ethno-cultural make up of europe (white people) as apposed to the non whites who are in europe. They literally detail this in the James Allsup conversation. Let me know if you need time stamps. Its about race, its always been about race with these types, and its no surprise that a racist ethno-statist James Allsup would be in complete agreement with this group.