[h1][color=deepskyblue]Ted Ingram[/color][/h1] [hr] Ted rested with his back facing the side of the old house, it's shadow cast over top the lot of them while they spoke to one another. He rested his head on his clenched hands, with an incredulous look souring his face as he listened to Lance finish his introduction. [color=lightcoral]"Sharpless steel can cut through any human corpse."[/color] His lip slightly curled in disgust as he contemplated if Lance in fact enjoyed the violence and gore that seemed to dominate the world after the outbreak, having even gone so far as to affectionately name his weapons. Before he could put the words together to express this worry his train of thought was interrupted. [color=lightcoral]"Anyone else?"[/color] The eyes of the group turned toward him and he tensed slightly and sat up, releasing his hands and bringing them down to his side, before putting the words together, [color=deepskyblue]"I'm Ted."[/color] Raised eyebrows and stares pushed him to continue, albeit begrudgingly, [color=deepskyblue]"I lived on the east coast, before all this happened, I mean. My family and I came up north after listening to the radio and hearing the military calling for evacuation, telling us to come to their camps for safety."[/color] He paused for a short moment and shifted uncomfortably before speaking up again, swallowing sharply to rid his voice of some of it's usual raspiness, [color=deepskyblue]"When things got real bad, right after the shutdown when the panic broke out, I got separated from them somehow. And now I guess I'm here of all places, sitting outside some some rundown shack in DC. It's been a while since I've really traveled with anyone but you all seemed like honest folk enough in the grocery last night, and I'd rather not be out here alone any longer."[/color] He nervously glanced between each group member, but had no intention of speaking further about himself until he got more comfortable. They seemed satisfied and he resigned himself back to his slumped posture, resting his head once again on the flat of his hands.