[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Sounds very similar to the experiences of the LGBT that you would discard as 'special snowflake' the irony is delicious here. Not that I give a shit, my brother is Asexual, but he doesn't have your crippling arrogance to to try and lecture people on what orientation and attraction entails for the rest of the population that isnt like him. On to traps, itd be hard for you to grasp this concept, not because you are Ace, but because it requires a level of nuance. My point is that orientationans depend on perception and no biological sex. Im sure there are some female celebs you find attactive, and you probably find them attractive from signifiers of femininity, which are obviously extremely more common, but not completely exclusive to the female sex. The reality is, any of the women you (or any other straight guy) find attractive could actually be a biological male. And you might never find out. Nobody gets aroused by someones Y chromosome or lack therof. You are attracted to what you percieve. And by that same reality, if you percieve a trap to be woman, can you really be called gay? Think about that one hard for a moment, and try not to get upset, we are just talking about hypotheticals here. [/quote] [s]*Tries his best not to bring up the repeated grammar and spelling mistakes. Like really obvious ones!*[/s] Yes, clearly I'm the one judging people merely different than I. (And not pointing out that unlike Progressives, I don't used identity as a weapon. And use labels that don't actually mean the same thing to everyone else, making them practically meaningless.) If you didn't care, you wouldn't have brought it up, and then judge me on that I couldn't judge attraction based on it. Do you you even read what you type? :) The term Traps are not related to transgenders either. So you're beyond disingenuous for trying to mix them up into the LBGT group. There is a biological sex. Speaking bluntly. You're an idiot. It's not arrogance to know that things are not commonalities. That's called being in reality. Try it some time. Edit: Also while I'm at it, your country sucks too. And your father smelt of elderberries... https://twitter.com/FENNERGY/status/976503126768447488