Just wanted to give everyone a heads up if you're checking this out here or on the site linked in my signature... I posted the card design for the stat based side of the RP, however if there's enough people for both styles [with and without stats] then there's a chance we can run both simultaneously. The Mod on the site got word back to me the other day, and was really behind stats and making it possibly include dice rolls and such, though IDK for sure how they could do dice rolls on the site without a bit of an upgrade and it'd slow down the storytelling aspect dramatically if we had to roll for every action taken. I'll leave you guys with the last part of his PM that really peaked my curiosity: [i][b][color=limegreen]"If we have to build a new section of the site specifically for this, that may be an option."[/color][/b][/i] [img]http://img61.laughinggif.com/pic/HTTP2k1OC5waG90b2J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL2cyNDYvc2V5MTE1L2R3dHJveS5naWYlog.gif[/img] [b][color=black][h3]- Ω[/h3][/color][/b]