[hider=Midnight] [center][img]https://media.tumblr.com/1bebc1667a6fcd5795472b451910c795/tumblr_inline_mxeq8zMy4M1steint.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180322/c866a822db49831d3e8d241c31adef6f.png[/img] [color=goldenrod]|| Name ||[/color] Lindsay "Lemon" Hill [color=goldenrod]|| Alias ||[/color] Midnight [color=goldenrod]|| Gender ||[/color] Female [color=goldenrod]|| Age ||[/color] 21 [color=goldenrod]|| Occupation ||[/color] She is actually a YouTuber. Gaming to be specific but she also makes indie games. [color=goldenrod]|| Backstory ||[/color] One would say that Lemon has had a pretty normal life. Second oldest of six children she often goes out of her way to protect her younger siblings and her older brother does his best to protect all of them. Her whole family except for two are very competitive and constantly find ways to compete with each other. That is generally where her love of games came from. The time spent with family. But if you thought her life was all rainbow and sunshine then don't get your hopes up. Living in this city it is impossible to have things completely good. The worst thing that happened directly to her was one specific night in her junior year. The story goes that she snuck out of the house and went to a party. What a large majority of people don't know is that she got really drunk and someone tried to (Not using the word here but you know what it is) her. Fortunately, she had called her older brother when she had started not feeling good. Luckily, he showed up minutes before the deed was done and was able to find her in time to save her. The two got a fight and Lemon's older brother was able to get her away and to safety. Ever since though she has had methyphobia. A fear of alcohol. As well as a slight aversion to men that she doesn't know very well. Along with this, she started developing panic attacks in regards to anything that makes her think about what happened. Jump to present time though and the reason she has decided to fight crime has occurred a few weeks ago. The guy who tried to sexually assault Lemon had been discovered to have done this many times. Due to this, he had been arrested. Somehow, he had escaped from prison about a month ago. The first thing he did when escaping was hunting down Lemon's brother and killed him because he blamed him for the eventual arrest. The cops said they were looking for him but still have yet to find him. By now Lemon has gotten to the point of grief and anger mixing to just the right volume of causing her to want to find the murderer and kill him. [color=goldenrod]|| Personality ||[/color] Lemon is typically a very optimistic person despite how much bad stuff has happened to her and her family from living in this city. She is also very friendly and extremely competitive. She does, however, get angry very easily and is also pretty gullible. Despite being very friendly she doesn't generally like to interact with people she doesn't know because she might potentially have a panic attack. They aren't very common but her backstory will explain where they come from. She cares deeply about those close to her and will do anything to help or keep them safe. [color=goldenrod]|| Skills/Weapons ||[/color] After what happened she trained in a few martial arts. She has a Black Belt in Brazilian Juijitsu and a Brown Black Belt in Aikido. She has a few others that are lower but these two were her main focus. She owns a bo staff. [hider=Outfit][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41J5q1oVtnL.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.rideapart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013%2F10%2Fmx-armor.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.motardinn.com/f/4/49970/spidi-rr-pro-pants-lady.jpg[/img] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/713LcFzdbUL._SY355_.jpg[/img] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81TL1Yal79L._SL1500_.jpg[/img][/hider][/center][/hider]