[quote=@Pepperm1nts] >[i]Criticizes someone's grammar[/i] >[i]Proceeds to make grammar mistakes and butcher punctuation[/i] >For good measure, insult the person and their whole country but hide behind a thin veil of humor with a Monty Python reference to avoid ban Hyuck, goteeeeem. btw totally not mad [/quote] No, ya see. I crossed it out. Also I specified obvious mistakes, like repeating words twice and misspelling words which can't be snarky on that can ya? :D Also... >[i]Criticizes someone for jokingly mentioning someone's grammar and spelling[/i] >[i]Proceeds to blanket statement without elaboration, while themselves ignoring obvious truths and uses text shorthand. Butchering the English language themselves.[/i] Facts don't care about your feelings.