[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8XlJDkh.png[/img] [/center] [sup][@Prosaic][@Zombiedude101][@Duoya][/sup] [b][code]The Campsite - Docks.[/code][/b][hr] It was Chad running up to her... one of her "informants" that she had struck a deal with - she does work for him, and he tells her everything she needs to know. She would be happy to see if he wasn't, for lack of a better term, a complete wreck. He runs up to her, and started off on this frantic speech trying to explain to her that somebody was murdered. Suddenly, the screaming began to carry a [i]lot[/i] more weight. She wasn't sure if this was just some really elaborate prank... but, Chad didn't look like he was joking - neither did the people running for their lives. The anxiety that Aliana was feeling was suddenly creeping onto Lynette. She could feel a trickle of sweat run down her head as she looked around. Was it really a joke? Or was there really a monster out there? Lynette wasn't sure what to believe, but was it really intelligent to shrug it off as a prank? Paranoia is only paranoia when it's wrong. When Aliana spoke, Lynette's eyes darted between her, Chad, and the chubby newcomer as she tried to come up with the best solution in this situation. More sweat trickled down her cheeks as she thought about it... Screw it. If it's a prank, then Lynette's gonna fall for it. She turned, and saw the boathouse - a relatively small, cabin-like place, where the campers get their boats from - and knew that was the best short term hiding spot. She grabbed onto Chad's shoulders, slowly turning him towards the boathouse. She silently jabbed a finger towards it a few times, afraid of even opening her mouth lest they attract the wrong kind of attention. She quickly (and quietly) lead the group from the docks to the boat house. The door was fortunately open, and she held it open for everyone. When they were in, she closed the doors. The room was pitch black, and Lynette didn't want to flick the light switches on, so she pulled out her phone and turned on it's flashlight. Feeling a little safe, she let out a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Okay, I don't know what's going on, but we should definitely stay in here... keep our heads down, and we won't have to worry about a thing...." Lynette slowly said, almost whispering. While she wanted to hide, there was a part of her that knew that they couldn't hide forever.