[hider=Savaris Kusanagi-Shihoin] [u]Appearance:[/u] Savaris' looks break away from the traditional looks of a Shihoin and Adopt mostly Kusanagi Clan traits. He has medium brown skin and silver hair known to the Kusanagi clan. Instead of keeping his hair long like his siblings he prefers the distinction of short hair. He is slightly taller than his siblings being 6'2" and has a scar over his left eye. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/88/d2/0488d2556acf19153b2ca44ddf8acf42.jpg[/img] [u]Name:[/u] Savaris Kusanagi-Shihoin [u]Age:[/u] 86 Appears to be in the mid-20s [u]Personality:[/u] Calm and Laid back for the most part. Savaris is an optimist who believes that the world will continue to revolve, whether you live or you die. Because of this attitude, he is sometimes seen as uncaring but underneath his playboy facade is a man of true worth. [u]Backstory:[/u] The story of Savaris dates back years before his birth. His mother was the only living survivor of a massacre that killed the Kusanagi clan. While taking refuge with the Shihoin clan, she had an affair with the clan leader at the time. Such things were looked down upon and thusly his mother had to be punished. She was banished to the Rukongai with threats of death if she were to return. Instead, his mother chose to take her own life, pledging that she loved that master and always had. Savaris was raised alongside his half brother and sister as if they were equal. He knew the noble lifestyle as well as had access to finest food, clothes, and teachers. Despite that he never showed any ability as a soul reaper nor did the other nobles like or accept him. Savaris childhood was spent most days by his lonesome deep in study. He may not have had any proficiency in fighting he showed exceptional skills in Kido. He didn't have a large reiatsu pool but he did know and understand the workings of Kido. No matter Bakudo or Hado, he was very proficient. After years and years, the genius gene finally awoke inside of him. His brother, Yoshiro, thought he was ready to go to the academy where he spent his time as events unfolded. He could do nothing as his sister was exiled, as his brother became the head of the Shihoin clan and later his siblings' death. To the Shihoin Council, Members that lead the family until a new Head can be found, he is seen as nothing more than a slacker who can possibly be used for their gains. But Savaris has the resolve of his own. Despite that, however, he has still yet to unlock his Shikai and learn the name of Zanpakuto. After some years had passed, he heard of a new group being gathered together. The council saw it as a chance to either discourage Savaris or push him to become the leader he was meant to. The council pulled some strings and called in some debts just to make sure he was able to join the squad. This was no easy matter. Upon his departure, the council gave him one warning "Succeed or Die." [u]Strengths:[/u] -Kido Expert -Hakudo Practitioner -Excellent Strategist -Excellent Reiatsu Control [u]Weaknesses:[/u] -No Skill in swordsmanship -No battle sense -No Shikai -No Genius Gene Zanpakuto [b][Uknown][/b] [hider=Sealed Appearance] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/a/ad/Longsword-ffxii.png/revision/latest?cb=20130704120708[/img] [/hider] Name: Kuīnshindā (クイーンシンダー, Queen Cinder) Zanpakuto spirit appearance: (Optional) Release Command: Shikai Appearance: Shikai Ability: Techniques: [/hider]