[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/311146589613719567/412467871990546472/tanner_icon.png[/img][/center] [@Ookawa] [@Plank Sinatra] [@NarayanK] Oh, just when he needed it, someone appeared. Tanner supposed the gods were smiling on him that day, despite his murder of their “chosen servants.” If her seeming rudeness bothered him--or if he even noticed it--it didn’t show. “Nah, I’m no teacher. I’m faculty… no, staff. That’s the one. I normally catch whatever Professor Port needs for Grimm studies, do other odd jobs, that kinda thing,” he responded, lazily extending a hand in offer to shake Blaire’s. “I’m Thomas Tanner. Most people just call me Tanner, but eh. Doesn’t matter much to me. But I can guide ya, wherever you’re headed to.” He laughed, his unoccupied hand going behind his head to scratch it as he grinned. “That being said, without your name or class schedule I can’t help you that much. Who are you, and where are ya bound?” [color=MediumSlateBlue]"Blaire Dawn. Apparently I am headed for this... 'Practice' class."[/color] Tanner nodded, as if given new understanding, letting go of her hand and holding up his index finger. “Aha! Alright, well, I’ll take you to it, you’re pretty much headed the wrong--” [color=9932CC]"I guess I just need to make the best of it. Beacon has a good reputation and it seems like a nice place. And I've proven myself once, so I can do it again. And I get to start with 'Practice', which seems like it'll be easy enough. I just have to get over the hurdle of..."[/color] The Huntsman pivoted on the balls of his feet, his mouth freezing open, continuing to face a young Faunus woman that walked past them, muttering to herself as though they didn’t exist, trying to find a break in her internal-monologue-gone-external to mention that it wasn’t an indoor class-- He sighed, taking a deep breath as she rounded the corner. “Come along, Miss Blaire, if you would. Let’s retrieve her, then I’ll take you both to class.” The pair caught up to her, right as she walked into Band Practice. Thomas stuck his head in after her. “Psst.” Iona wheeled around on her feet, brought out of her monologue by a beckoning noise behind her. A man's head was peeking in the door at her. [color=9932CC]"Oh hello, did I do something wrong already?"[/color] she asked. “Wrong Practice. I'll take you to the inexplicable one.” [color=9932CC]"Oh, ok.”[/color] Both students in tow, Tanner's boots tromped on through the school, out the back door and toward the Practice field. He had nothing better to do, in truth. Not a moment too soon, either. *** Rowan was not having the best teaching day, though otherwise it was shaping up to be pretty good. Little overcast, but warm enough, didn't seem to be threatening rain anytime soon. Good weather for Practice, which of course was [I]not[/I] the class she was teaching today. Still, probably fortunate for Jericho’s first day of actually being faculty of a sort. Maneuvers in the rain were generally not a good spot to start things. No, Rowan's issue mostly centered on her own lesson plan. Ordinarily she enjoyed teaching Aura Control--it was a small class of only seniors, most of whom knew what they were doing and were eager to learn. As eager as Beacon students about to graduate got, anyway. But then there were days like today. Days where she had to try to codify her understanding of Aura into words and theory rather than feelings and practice. She'd give everyone a few more minutes to get here. Jericho was nowhere to be found, yet, anyway, and there had been a lot of turnover over the weekend. At least Tanner had been kind enough to gather up the two never-been-to-a-Beacon-class-before students for her. As the scruffy man walked away, Blaire and Iona were greeted by an auburn-haired, fit Atlesian woman walking toward them with something of a military bearing, tapping on the Scroll on her wrist cuff to dismiss it. “Iona Murasaki, Blaire Dawn, allow me to be the first faculty member to welcome you to Beacon. I'm Professor Iderson, your Practice teacher. I regret that I don't have time to conduct orientation or go over the class syllabus with you right now, but if you need anything afterward feel free to ask me. In the meantime--” The ex-soldier raised her voice, turning back to the class at large. “As you arrive on the field, please separate yourselves into seniors and freshmen. I'll be teaching Aura Control today for the seniors, Jericho Piper will be conducting Practice. You have a few minutes, talk amongst yourselves if you're inclined.”