[@KatherinWinter] Well maybe the hinting you're doing is simply too subtle and indirect... You thought that the tunnel and woman acting suspicions was going to turn out badly. As did Bastian. But he said himself, there wasn't any other option...(whether true or not, that didn't actually get questioned by Elizabeth. You didn't outright make a suggest, to someone use the fog against them, honestly I don't even see how that could be interpreted from the passage in question.) And I clearly explained what the fog was afterward. And I didn't really actually see you describing in IC what you are in OOC. Elizabeth had no clear plan or suggest about the fog in question. (Or really what else to do...) Like I don't understand why'd you design a character in IC, that can't and won't speak up for herself. Doesn't seem to know anything Bastian doesn't. But are concerned that her direction isn't being followed? She hasn't given any direction... And I'm perfectly fine with not needing to plan everything. But when you state, "It's impossible! Elizabeth can't enter here!" in OOC. Instead of, maybe having Elizabeth be scared and not want to enter there. Or the many options to solve, you not putting your character in that scenario, through IC interaction. Because, she can go there. You just oppose it, because you think it could potentially lead to extra suspicion and that it may take a lengthy time given your character. Well, if that does happen, more drama and that can't be a bad thing. But this is also, his only active lead. And he can't legally enter there. What, realistically, can Bastian do? Is my character acting out of character? Is yours for following orders? You'd said what he can't do now. He wouldn't be able to remove the collar realistically. And its fine if he doesn't know that. And she likely can't/won't be good at communication with other like-minded criminals and people she'd reasonably seen all the time in prison/previous slave work. Though that depends how her prison life was like. Like I'm genuinely wondering if you're getting upset with my character in IC, vs anything I'm actually doing. Because you had similar concern sparked, when he didn't actually have information on those who kidnapped him and was doing work that seemed to stray from his main task. Like it was somehow, a mistake I've made. No, both were plot related, and one has been made clear by now and its perfectly in character...