By the way, we will be moving out of the Lunch break this weekend. We will go to the second half of the day's classes, before the night comes and then skip one week ahead to the beginning of the field missions. Or, if you want to jump straight to the action, we can do the week skip already. The formations of the student/teacher temas will be as follows: [code] . --------------------------------- Team 01 | Team 02 --------------------------------- Yurius | Tholl Mako | Kromric --------------------------------- Roland | Duncan Lumen | Trey Circe | Sonia Ceiran | Lotte (if need be) --------------------------------- [/code] I assigned this to try to ensure as much as possible that no one will have two characters in the same team, to make interactions more interesting. You can choose who will be the captain of the students' part of the teams and assign team names if you are feeling specially inspired. In fact, it would be very appreciated if you did so.