Zina had quietly walked up behind Adra and Kean as the two were talking to Val, the taller Fae watching the conversation between the three from above Adra and Kean's heads, until the Templar eventually removed his helmet for show. It struck the Fae that she had never actually thought of what the templars would look like under those helmets. Would it be a fair and beautiful angelic face resembling the mythical and beautiful creatures that were referred to as angels? Would it be a dead face, the mask worn by a corpse risen to fight? Or would it just be an empty void? In the end, it turned out to be none of that, yet Zina was quick to comment nonetheless! "[color=39b54a]Hey, your head actually looks pretty nice! No need to be so shy and hide it under that metal helmet all the time.[/color]" Zina exclaimed with a cheerful as Val turned and walked away. Pausing, Zina turned her face as she fixed Adra with her poison green eyes and a smile; her long, emerald green ponytail swishing behind her head as she turned to look at the Orc. "[color=39b54a]I think he secretly likes you! He's just too shy to admit it...[/color]" She said to Adri with a coy smile in a hushed whisper!