[@Dynamo Frokane] Again, be wrong about me for my sexual preferences and mock it. I've been to enough schools to deal with that, doesn't quite have the same punch. Or be wrong about lecturing me for being the better man that doesn't prejudge others using identity politics. Can't, okay you can and are, but you cannot do both without looking foolish... You brought up biological sex and the LBGT movement in a conversation on traps. That was on you. Yes, a pattern of someone, anyone following me to a creepy obsession and being bitter and obnoxious to me for the sake of it. If a rose by any other name is just as malarkey. My history of spelling mistakes? Please, elaborate. Go through every post you can, show me my spelling errors that I have left, right and center. Do go on...can't just spew shit without proof...okay you can and are...wait I did this already. I'm not going to lie, I was half convinced you'd get butt hurt and scream "DON'T INSULT MY FATHER!" at a Monty Python quote. Already showing improvement. Maybe one day emoticons and their mere use will no longer get your panties in a twist. Well at least here in the U.S, they won't be arrested for jokes. ^-^' Though, again might I add. I know you said all jokes aside. But may I remind you, I've long stopped taking any conversation here specifically seriously. Remember when I, or Odin (which for some reason you used to make your case.) Both stated politics rarely actually get discussed here and you whined about it and said both of us were overstating it. Pepperidge Farm remembers... INB4: You take that seriously, and forget the bored fulfilling sarcasm admitted on my part, a mere sentence ago.