[@Dynamo Frokane] A majority of the time I never bother posing questions in reverse, so perhaps now is the best time to start doing so. Let us start this from the top then, shall we? Why is your definition of racism so broad? I mean this in the sense that it is, perhaps with utterly no jest in it when I say this, almost every conversation you seem to lead in politics exclusively about race and how everything is in some way racist? You needn't actually answer this question as I only wish to bring attention to it; the fact you are [i]still[/i] hung up on someone as James Allsup [i]months[/i] later is sufficient testimony for this to me in conjunction with everything we have spoken to before. Continued, I do not see an issue with a predominantly white continent, as Europe, advocating for preserving its ethnic, cultural, or racial qualities. Why? Well, in large because it will legitimately never happen, but too because there is destruction of many of those things. You might see enclaves of "traditional Europe" survive, but with the social dynamics it has brought on itself and rather the world abroad, this is not going to matter, utterly ignoring the fact they indeed have loaded in an absolutely maddening amount of people who have a general hatred and disdain for European culture, zero interest in integrating, and are continually pushing for their own cultural, ethnic, and racial groups [i]inside[/i] already established territories, to say nothing of how many are comfortable with radicalized religion or outright agree with it. Yet again you continue to keep mentioning James Allsup as if I care about his opinion; I do not, just as I admittedly do not for [i]anyone[/i] else's opinion be that the man down the street, the college student one-hundred-twenty-three miles away, the house wife in California, a regional office manager in Zimbabwe, or yours. What I care about is, is there a larger, more prominent, actually successful or dangerous movement that they represent? No, there really isn't, especially not with the example we received with Generation Identity. If anything my assessment and argument was completely glossed over. Let me restate it clearly for you, [i]"They are fair-weather friends and allies, it is no surprise that groups with similar interests, even if the motives behind them differ, will ally together for a common cause. No less, it further stands that because of their belief and the allies they do even at distance keep, especially in the United States, they are not going to find success."[/i] I note this is an utterly pointless exercise as you are not going to accept any other answer than your own; this isn't the first time you have made such a demand and my opinion is not about to change. I do not really care if the person's opinion is "racist" so much as I care if they actually do something racist. Do they refuse to hold the door for black people? Do they spit on Latinos and call them names? Do they try to avoid hiring Asians? Are they attempting to a white employee over a better qualified Native American? Or... are they just going to say things both equally stupid and mean spirited? But I digress, whip yourself into a frenzy over it if it so pleases you, but as before stop labeling people - myself included - because we do not match [i]your[/i] opinion on something.