[color=5ec4b3][center][h2]Kagan Galegar[/h2][sub]Kinner of The High Chruch of Krenta Interacting with: Nobody![/sub][/center][/color] Kagan awoke at his desk, face plunged into one of many many tomes of Drakka's ancient (and oft surprisingly prose heavy) religious lore. Last night had...not been pleasant. Cursory attempts at finding justifications for Ehkota's request were frustratingly slim at best and, if the now empty bottle of wine was any indication, soul crushing at best. He yawns, sitting up and brushing away a stubborn ream of paper that refused to let go of his cheek. A rough hand raps at his door as Kagan rubs his face. [color=5ec4b3]"Unless you're a god or a woman coming to bear my seed, begone. I'm in little mood for company..."[/color] He yelled, returning his attention to a scroll that had put him to sleep the night before. There is a hushed conversation from the other side of the door, and for a moment Kagan hopes whoever deigned to bother him took his request to heart. That hope is dashed a moment later as a effeminate but harsh bark breaks his concentration. [b]"Temptin' as that is...The Royal Family request your presence at todays festivities. 'nd by request, I mean you are coming...Or we can come in and make ye after bit o' fun..."[/b] the voice says, equal parts flirtatious and menacing. Kagan sighs, standing up and opening the door for his unwelcomed visitors, surprised to find not one but two female Drakken guards. The first stood confident, her chest thrown forward that he was sure it was pressed against the door before he'd open it. She stood nearly as tall as Kagan, broad bull like horns sharpened to points in a mass of tightly curled black hair. She was older, her frame beinging to morph the lithe athletic of youth with the sturdy broadness that came after around 200 years or so. If Kagan were forced to guess, he doubted there was much gem in her blood. The other drakken was smaller and closer to his own age, barely scraping above five foot thanks to a pair of overly long horns spiraling upwards. She was much fairer than her companion, lacking much color to her face save for the occasional copper freckle. The taller one cleared her throat as Kagan realized his glare had persisted longer than what was socially acceptable. [color=5ec4b3]"Fine."[/color] He spat, voice ringing with clear venom. [color=5ec4b3]"I'll make sure to make a brief appearance near the end of the-"[/color] The taller drakken quickly steped closer, and Kagan's concession was cut short as a growl of challenge took its place. [b]"Nah prettyboy. See.."[/b] She chirped, clearly not threatened by the display as she places an hand firmly on his chest. [b]"Me boss was very clear like on errybody getting one o' them breeding sows this year be showin up. Fer all o' it. Lots o' effort shame ta waste it..."[/b] she drawled in an accent Kagan assumed to be faked, if only to patronize. His annoyance must have been something of an amusement to her as a dark chuckle escaped her throat. [b]"..course if it be company thas the issue..."[/b] She growls, lifting all but a finger and letting is slowly slide down the younger drakkens chest. [color=5ec4b3]"Fuck off,"[/color] Kagan hisses, slapping the hand away, silently taking some joy in the flash of offense that shot across the drakken womans face. [color=5ec4b3]"I'll go. And while I appreciate the offer.."[/color] He begins, straightening his robes. [color=5ec4b3]"I generally prefer my men to have a little less beard. Still. Deeply flattered."[/color] He adds, stepping past her quickly (suddenly greatful for his thinner musculature). He takes a small moment to look back, happy to see a moment of confusion before the wheel clicks into place and the sudden sound of teeth grinding against one another fills the hall. Her friend cuts her off as she readys to fire a retort, [b]"Let it go Kela, we got like...six more of these to do....please?"[/b] the smaller one squeaks, Kagan barely able to hear her over the sound of the now named Kela's agitation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=f49ac2]”Welcome to the Pits my darlings! This week marks yet another successful Reaping of the Gemmenite lands by the grace of my grandfather. We wish to share this merry time with all of our subjects, not just those who have earned a bride this cycle, so it is in your honor that I proudly present this year’s Reaping tournament. It trust all participants are ready? Then let us begin!”[/color] Kagan stifled a groan as the young royal finished her speech, wondering just how in Sorrak's balls he'd managed to end up enrolled in this farce. A swift punch to the arm disguised as playful excitement hitting his shoulder reminded him. Holg Harin. One of Harin's boys....whelp, more like it. The air of the common grounds just outside the gates of the Pit were just as warm and musky as the day before. Kagan had made it a point to try and lay low, wanting to get in and find a nice quiet place to sit and think while he awaited the end of this forced celebration. How Holg found him, Kagan couldn't be sure. What he was sure of, if the fresh scar across Holg's face was any indication, that the former favored son of the house of Harin was no longer the favored son. And good riddance. Holg was a talented enough duelist (if word of mouth was to be believed), but what respect people had for him beyond that could fit in an ants thimble. He threw his fathers money about like it was his own and bragged about his houses great standing in court. To listen to him speak, you'd think he himself had slain Kilix all those decades ago. But this mattered little to Kagan. Holg had hired him and had paid him, that one of his brothers took his birth right was hardly the Kinners problem. [b]"You!"[/b] He hissed, rushing the young kinner with surprising speed for his bulk. Ok....now it was Kagan's problem. [color=5ec4b3]"Ahhh. Young master Holg."[/color] Kagan said, donning the calm reserved smile of his profession. [color=5ec4b3]"It is most pleasing to see you. Have you come to jo-"[/color] [b]"Shut up just shut it."[/b] the older drakken hisses, cutting him off. [b]"We need to renegotiate. Now."[/b] The smile on Kagan's face vanished immediately as he takes a step back, glaring hard into the older males eyes. [color=5ec4b3]"I apologize. All agreements are final. To do so would shame your fathers spirit. In Krenta's domain no less."[/color] he says, agitation mounting from yet another annoyance on what should have been a simple trip. [b]"BOLLOCKS!"[/b] Holg shouts, drawing a few confused looks from passers by. Holg hunches down, pretending to pick something up hurriedly before returning his gaze to Kagan. [b]"Look. We both know the whole gods thing...its just a racket right?"[/b] He says, oblivious to the increase heat of Kagan's glare. [b]"All I needs are the brides. I can sell 'em and use the money to get some mercenaries and take back my house from that little RAT FUCK brother of mine."[/b] He blurts, breaths becoming more hurried and voice becoming louder. Kagan almost felt sorry for him. To have lived so long among such a proud heritage only for have the rug to be pulled out from beneath him. So it was with a heavy heart that Kagan said, [color=5ec4b3]"That doesn't sound like your problem Holg. Now if you'll excuse me...I've got other business to attend to. Do let me know if you wish to hire me in the future though. If you can."[/color] with all the frigid indifference his body could muster. He brushes past walking back towards the the crowd. Kagan stops dead as Holg blurts from behind him, [b]"I SAW YOU FREEZE."[/b] Kagan places a hand slowly onto the hilt of his sword, turning back towards the shamed Drakken.[color=5ec4b3]"Care to repeat that?"[/color] he asks, locking eyes with the soon to be dead man. [b]"When you fought my father. I saw you freeze..."[/b] Holg says, inching slowly back for a moment, his fear of attack over taking him for a moment despite pulling what he thought to be his trump card. [b]"You were ready near pissing yourself. If word got out about it...well...I can't imagine the sterling reputation you gained from it would stay. Just sign the bride right over to me and all this goes away man."[/b] Kagan could feel his knuckles turn white as the death grip on his sword tightened. He was so SICK of being pushed around in this damned city. First the prince, then the guards, now this little failure acted like he owed the world to their whims. He advanced slowly back to Holg, who seemed to shrink under the glare of the fury he'd inadvertently unleashed. Killing him here and now would be no good. Stab happy as Drakken were, even they frowned on cold blooded killing. He likely wouldn't face any legal penalties, but socially it'd be a black mark on his reputation he'd be hard pressed to scrub out. But this whelp was too much of a hassle to leave unaddressed. [color=5ec4b3]"...very well. I will sign my brides over to you..."[/color] he says, voice a low growl. Holg immediately pounces, the tension in his shoulders melting away as he rushed to place his hands on the younger Drakkens shoulders with a hardy laugh. [b]"Good good! I've a man ready to write up the exchange waiting lets-"[/b] [color=5ec4b3]"IF."[/color] Kagan says, cutting the mans rapid fire speech short. [color=5ec4b3]"You agree to duel me in the tournament. That way, there is no shame in your claiming."[/color] A cruel smile creeps on to his face as the newly recovered Holg balks at the request. [color=5ec4b3]"It would not do to bring undue shame on to the heir of the Harin house, would it [b][u]sir[/u][/b]?"[/color] Holg remains quiet for a moment, hands still on Kagan's shoulders. [b]"I...uh...Y..Yes. Yes of course. Makes perfect sense. I'll...go collect my equipment. Met you at the ceremony eh?"[/b] He says with a nervous chuckle backing away. It took all of Kagan's self control not to slash the man across the belly. [color=5ec4b3]"Of course sir."[/color] Of course, Kagan had expected that to be the end of it. His signing in to the tournament was merely a formality. In all honesty, he'd merely planned to throw the first fight he could and be done with the whole ridiculous power play, satisfied at having put Holg back in his place. But now the idiotic former noble actually showed up. And so here he sat in the wings of the pit, waiting with the other combatants for his forth coming fight. Holg had been around for the ceremony, but quickly disappeared from sight shortly there after, which only compounded his concerns. He rubs the anxiety from his face, hoping he could be knocked out of the tournament before fighting the disgruntled Harin and simply deny the agreement ever happened. If he ever actually managed to get a bride, she'd damn well better have been worth all this bloody trouble. As it stood, he was doubtful. [hider=Summary]Kagan awakens to be annoyed by a pair of guards demanding he attend the tournament while he'd rather be at home trying to find a way out of his current Royal problems. Upon arriving, Holg Harin, son of the noble Kagan had previously performed a Kinning on shows up. He has lost his claim on his house to a younger sibling and demands the Kinner return the tithe given to him so he can hire help to reclaim his position. Frustrated at being pushed around since arriving at the capital, Kagan agrees to a wager and enters the tournament, thinking it would scare the parasite away. It does not work, and now he waits at the side lines stressing out about his up coming fight. He decides no amount of sex is worth this trouble.[/hider]