[center][hr][h3][color=c4df9b]Martin Cromwell.[/color][/h3] [b][code]The Campsite - Male Cabins.[/code][/b] [hider=Interactions.][@Atrophy] & [@FernStone] & [@Surtr Inc][/hider][hr] "[i]I knew you were a loser, but I didn’t take you for being a fucking idiot, too.[/i]" [i]Winded[/i], like being punched in the stomach. It [i]hurt[/i] to hear her spit acid at him, it was unexpected and it made him feel shaky. He was [i]used[/i] to nasty comments, he was [i]used[/i] to being shoved aside and unheard. Yet, he was strangely unprepared for this and the little beast of self doubt was having a [i]fucking blast[/i] with that. It was the first time in a long time that he hadn't had a wall at the ready, there was nothing for her words to bounce off of. It was the first time in a long time that someone had managed to hurt his feelings. The words were in the atmosphere, pounding on his head erratically to gain his attention. They were bells ringing in his ears, they were rain pounding so hard that it was stinging his flesh. He wanted to curl in on his self, he wanted to disappear from this spot. He wanted to be [i]anywhere but here[/i]. Her apology sounded strained, like she was grating it out through her teeth, like there were tears caught in her throat. [i]It didn't make him feel any better.[/i] At Kimberly's request for help, she was all too quick to get to her feet and leave him there. He was dazed, staring after her as she avoided his look of confusion. [i]She wouldn't even look in his eyes.[/i] He wanted to say something, maybe something to reassure her that even if that hurt his feelings, he wasn't angry. He didn't blame her for lashing out, he blamed himself for saying something to have caused it. Instead, he found himself staying strangely silent. While sirens were screaming in his ears so loudly that it could have made him grind his teeth, he kept his mouth shut. He could talk to her later, he could apologize for saying nonsense to try to comfort her. He could- he could do [i]something.[/i] Right now, he needed to help move things or else they were all goners and there would [i]be[/i] no later. He stood slowly, stiffly, and- [i]froze[/i]. First, Kimberly's scream. Then, the door cracking as an axe slammed into the wood and he saw the face of that monster on the other side. He stepped through, wood crumbled around him as if it was nothing. Martin stepped back, his gaze flashing around the room for something, [i]anything[/i] that he could use to ward off the beast. Everything in this room seemed so useless. It was all too [i]heavy[/i]. He had to [i]think[/i], what would suffice as a weapon or a distraction? He could become a distraction himself, but what would that mean for him if he wasn't fast enough? [i]Likely, an axe to the head.[/i] Well, he didn't know what would happen unless he tried. Settling his nerves, he prepared to do the most reckless thing he'd ever done. The boy sucked in a breath, stepped onto one of the scattered bed frames, balanced precariously, and raised his voice into a shout. "[color=c4df9b][i]Hey, shit for brains, over here![/i][/color]" He had no delusions of grandeur, he didn't think that he could beat that [i]thing[/i] in a fight. He didn't think that he could even really outrun it. He did think, that if he'd judged this correctly, he might have time to leap to the side before an axe split his face in half. That was all speculation, of course, he'd already seen what happened to the brave and impotent here. This wasn't bravery though, this was sheer recklessness. If it was busy trying to mutilate Martin then it might give the others time to get out. [i]And then what?[/i] He figured he'd try to scramble away or hope somebody lured this beast out before it ended his pitiful life. God, he hoped this wasn't in vain. "[color=c4df9b][i]Come and fucking axeify me, big guy![/i][/color]" [/center] [center][hr][h3][color=8882be]Aliana Agüero.[/color][/h3] [b][code]The Campsite - Boat House.[/code][/b] [hider=Interactions][@Surtr Inc] & [@Zombiedude101] & [@Duoya][/hider][hr] In the darkness of the boat house, it was easy to become undone. Nothing on this earth scared her quite as much as darkness did. She had lived with this childish fear for about as long as she could remember. It was easy to stave off, she slept with the light on most of the time to chase the darkness out. The only light in their hiding place was the beam from Lynette's phone, it wasn't much but it kept her from losing her cool. She focused on the beam of light, trying to calm her breathing and not peer into the darkness. She counted each breath, measured how long she held it and released it. It wasn't really [i]completely[/i] dark, she had Lynette's phone light. She just had to keep focusing- [i]A sort of shuffling, scraping noise.[/i] She looked around, panic flitting across her face. It had to be a rat or something, [i]right?[/i] In the corner of the room, she could barely see it. It was more of a silohouette than a person but the light highlighted it's cheeks in amber. It was moving slowly but with purpose, dragging it's left leg along behind it as if it were nothing but dead weight. Maybe it [i]was[/i] dead weight. When she could finally make out the features in its face, a noise escaped her throat. The sound was pitched, reedy and thin. It was a sort of half-scream, she immediately stumbled backwards and nearly toppled over herself onto the ground. She needed to get [i]the hell out of here.[/i] [i]Omen[/i], her last name meant "omen" in Spanish. [i]Omen[/i], this had to be some kind of [i]omen[/i]. Her mom had always told her that if a person saw their doppelganger, they were sure to die. This had to be some kind of [i]sign[/i]. How could it be anything other than a sign when the creature she was staring at was [i]herself?[/i] The same golden brown skin, the same thick dark hair and the same crooked smile. The same in [i]every way.[/i] Her left leg was dragging behind her and blood was trickling down her lowerlip, dripping off her chin. Her eyes were flat and gray. It looked as of half of her face had been torn from the bone, it was bloody and crawling with maggots. It made her want to puke. The [i]thing[/i], [i]her doppelganger[/i] was only getting closer and closer to her. Another pitched noise escaped her, this one cut off almost immediately by her covering her own mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut, her chest heaving with each struggling breath. When she opened then again, the doppleganger was gone and she was freaking out over [i]nothing[/i] but empty air. [/center]