"Jared?" The woman dodged back, just out of the sweep of the sword's edge as the large, black, pantherine cat took another mauling swipe at the bandit and making him cry out. She shook her head and reared back, splaying her hand whilst keeping the flat of the she bore in the other, its cold and sleek steel to her pale, now bloodied skin. The red scent was heavy on the air, elves and animals alike probably could smell it with ease, but that wasn't what was distracting her. "I don't know Jared or why you are avenging him!" She replied, retorting not just with words but slashing the supernaturally bestowed claws at him. A green glimmer trailed behind the swipe of her more animal fingers, but she continued with a yell, "And he's a jaguar, not a house cat!" She hesitated for a moment, curious what she was to do now, having been a bit lost and confused as to all what just transpired, but she didn't wait too much longer. If the man dropped, she would be off and call the feline ally with her to the next foe, one not far from her company. If the man didn't, the young druidess hoped with all her heart she could have Jamil of Azalorn finish him off. Things were going... well? Sort of? Maybe? The woods were dark and beyond a ways, even her keen sight couldn't see clearly through them, but the fighting sounded like it was still well alive. She had to do something, after all she wrangled one bandit and she still hadn't seen the girl that was spoken about or even the newcomers to the wood. Had the Barnaby Brothers got the better of them? [hider=Effects] Shaedra Galandoel retains her concentration on the [i]Entangle[/i] spell. She casts the [i]Primal Savagery[/i] cantrip with an attack roll of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/6349]14[/url], [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/6350]22[/url] if the roll would benefit from advantage. Assuming the attack hits, as it might with the lower roll, she deals [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/7184]8[/url] points of acid damage. If the attack would hit and deal damage, she does not attempt to knock the target unconscious if it is reduced to 0 or less hit points; her intent is to kill as she gave the bandit plenty of opportunity to try to escape. If she reduces the target to 0 or less, she will run to the next closest enemy nearest the party - ignoring the ensnared one - by 35ft and attempt to flank them. If she is able to do this, she will call Jamil of Azalorn to join her in her attack and reducing the enemy's number. If she fails to fell the foe, she will remain with Jamil of Azalorn and keep fighting until the target falls. In either case, if an opponent provokes an opportunity attack, she will lash out with her scimitar at them. [/hider] [@Guardian Angel Haruki][@JBRam2002][@rush99999][@ihinka][@Cu Chulainn][@0 Azzy 0]