[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DmjRHYr.png?1[/img] [h3][color=548b54]Dulga Tarata[/color][/h3][/center] Dulga steadied her breath as Mina went for the blood choke. While Dulga wasn't familiar with those techniques, she understood the concept of what Mina was attempting. It made Dulga lightheaded for a little while but she was able to maintain her strength despite the situation thanks to her well practiced breathing techniques, allowing her to remain calm despite the situation. The moment Mina stopped her attempt at choking Dulga to free herself, Dulga slammed her arm down onto the ground to help propel herself back to her feet. Once standing Mina was like a doll to Dulga. However Dulga didn't want to keep Mina close too long less she try and take Dulga down again, so the giant girl simple tossed Mina away. Or rather, she threw her towards the ground, practically slamming Mina down. Dulga took a few steps back and got into a defensive stance. Quietly she chastised herself; if this was against a real villain, Dulga would've been dead by now. She'd either have her throat ripped out or her head smashed in. Dulga knew she was suppose to hold back against Mina, but at the same time Dulga couldn't just let herself fall to simple martial arts. It would be embarrassing if she met her end at the hands of a mildly competent but otherwise underpowered thug over a super powered villain. Not only that, but for a moment Dulga's mind drifted to the swordsman she was after. Surely his martial arts were far greater than Mina's. If Dulga couldn't even beat her, she'd have no chance against him. [@Silver Carrot]