Neil stepped in, sidestepping the fleeing Butlers easily enough and giving them a glance of curiosity before turning around to see Taya and Sayeeda. He raised an eyebrow, and amused smile on his face. He had initially thought he'd be the one that took to the luxurious life the easiest, but it seemed they were all in need of a vacation. "Yep." He said, sauntering forward and hopping onto a lush, cushioned chair. He practically sank into the soft fabric. After he let out a groan of relaxation, stretching languidly, he collapsed and simply gazed at the ceiling. "Seems like our banquet's in three days." He said, and it was at a lazy wave of Sayeeda's hand for him to continue that he did. "We'll be expected to get decked out in fine clothing apparently and make a show of ourselves. Receive our commendations..." He let the words trail off. Once Taya was done in the hot tub, he'd probably partake. "I have nothing to wear." Taya lamented almost childishly, placing her arms above the side of the tub and resting her chin on them. Neil shifted within the cushions. "They said it's on their dime. Kinda nice of them if ya ask me. We might even get a few interviews beforehand. But that's just a theory..." Suddenly the vidcaster above them had Neil's face on it, wearing the same exact clothing he wore right at that moment. On the bottom left corner, its time was merely seven minutes ago. He had just finished bragging about his and his team's heroics as the screen was turned on. "It was all in a day's work, believe me." He said to the cameramen with an infectious smile, masquerading as a pompous actor. The microphone hovered by his mouth as the newsman continued with. "And what is this we hear about the Prince being interested in your female partner? This true?" Neil shrugged. "Hey, why don't you ask her? She's right over there." He pointed past the camera, for both the newsman and the camera to turn. Once it was established Junebug was indeed not there, the camera turned back around and Neil was merely a tiny dot in the distance, still sprinting. [@Penny]