[img]https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/24909960_731673590357050_4334256984526221365_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=b448c8fa121907d6657056ee545f21ae&oe=5B2B805F[/img] [b]Real Name:[/b] Lochila Laufeysdottir [b]Alias/Nicknames:[/b] Lochila Odinsdottir, Trickster, Goddess of Mischief, Lady Discord, Witch, Snake. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]Relatives/Relationships:[/b] - Laufey (biological father; deceased) - Farbauti (biological mother; deceased) - Loki (biological older brother; alive) - Buri (adoptive great-grandfather; deceased) - Bor (adoptive grandfather; deceased) - Odin (adoptive father; alive) - Frigga (adoptive mother; deceased) - Hela (adoptive older sister; alive) - Aldrif (adoptive older sister; alive) - Thor (adoptive older brother/crush; alive) - Tyr (adoptive older brother; alive) - Balder (adoptive older brother; alive) - Sif (adoptive sister-in-law; alive) - Torunn (adoptive niece/lover; alive) [b]Equipment/Weapons:[/b] N/A [b]Profession/Occupation:[/b] Deity; Adventurer; Part-Time Ally to the Avengers; Goddess of Mischief. [b]Affiliation (good, bad, or neutral):[/b] Neutral-Good. [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] - Magical Energy Projection/Manipulation. - Illusion Manipulation/Shapeshifting. - Hypnosis. - Telepathic Communication (w/ Loki). - Invisibility. - Telekinesis. - Cold Immunity/Cryokinesis. - Superhuman Strength/Reflexes/Durability/Regeneration/Stamina/Longevity. - Flight. - Teleportation. [b]Personality:[/b] Having to be related to Loki, one can guess that the personality of Lochila is shared with him: Thoughtful, farseeing, and calculating. A conniving but noble goddess with a sharp intellect, Lochila represents the good-nature sides of a trickster, before becoming corrupted by her older brother's choice of immorality. Having to mostly grow up by his side, Lochila was in a position of total dependency; since Loki was the more experienced and worldly-wise of the two, he helped her study magic, bring her into agreeing with everything he says, and constantly bring her along in his many conquests. Because of all that Loki did for her, Lochila's previous affections for her other siblings were transferred solely to him, resulting her to have great hesitation to even question or reject him. However, unlike her brother, Lochila didn't hold any genuine resentment for her adoptive family; even after she found herself to be a Frost Giant, she didn't hold any sense of hatred for them either. However, after Loki convinced her that they were trophies of Odin, it made her to develop very strong feelings of rage and confusion. After being sentenced to watch Thor's daughter Torunn on Earth, she initially despised the twenty-year-old, but began to soften due to her innocence, soon making her transform back into the woman she used to be before her corruption; she became a capable mother-figure to Torunn...unaware that the latter developed romantic feelings for her, in the process. After a while, Lochila started to become more independent, and not have to rely on Loki for everything, but still retained a typical tenuous "brother-sister" relationship with him. All across Asgard, she was known to be one of the most beautiful of individuals, probably rivaled with Amora the Enchantress, the huntress Aldrif, and the warrior Lady Sif. Even though this beauty was proven to be a natural strength, she is also very capable; even for a woman, she holds a very shrewd mind that has been developing for centuries, and for Lochila to be competent and cunning with her magic, she's really an incredible foe for those who mostly rely on brutish combat. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Lochila Laufeyson is the youngest daughter of Laufey, the ruler of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim. Like her older brother, Loki, she was abandoned and left to die, before having to be found by the Asgardian king, Odin. The two siblings were raised as Asgardian royalty, alongside the king’s biological son, Thor, and throughout their childhood, the trio became best friends, until the Laufeyson siblings found themselves living in Thor's shadow. Lacking interest in Asgardian warrior arts, they took an interest in sorcery, where Lochila was tutored by her older brother. Eventually, they became experts in Asgardian magic. Because of their jealousy for Thor, the siblings started hating him, probably to Loki more than herself. Growing to adulthood, their devious proclivities manifested in earnest, dubbing themselves as "Deities of Mischief". However, as their jealousy escalated, their harmless pranks became more malicious, causing them to morph from playful tricksters into entities of evil. Under Loki's influence and persuasion, Lochila agreed to his schemes of revenge and power. However, after being defeated, Lochila was sent to Earth to watch over Thor's daughter as punishment. As the girl aged, Lochila became Torunn's mentor in the shadows, training her into a warrior, despite Loki's disgust. As Torunn prayed for her father, Lochila's humanity soon began to come to light, knowing that she hated to see the Thunderer's daughter plead for him. Lochila decided to make Thor visit Midgard and see his daughter for once. After much persuasion, she finally reunited the Odinson blood together. Once Loki witnessed this action, he reluctantly misled his sister from Torunn by seducing her. Eventually, Lochila fell back to her malicious ways, however, she still forged some good in her. [b]Played By:[/b] Katie McGrath