[b]Appearance: [/b] [hider] [img] https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/477/626/large/sam-kim-medicfinal.jpg?1513036295 [/img] Without Head Gear: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/8c/aa/1a/8caa1a8883d3b71d36d422083e39ba21--male-hair-portrait-art.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Richard Anselm [b]Age:[/b] 72 (appears to be mid 20s) [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Powers: -Miracles/Holy Magic:[/b] Richard had a strong affinity towards miracles and faith based magics at a very young age after an encounter with a supernatural being. Starting off as minor miracles such as healing a minor cuts and bruises, but gradually getting stronger as time passed and his faith grew. At the age of 15, he was capable of healing more significant injuries and even exorcise minor forms of malevolent spirits. When he was 20, he was more than capable of dealing with serious injuries, the undead, malevolent spirits, minor demons, as well as capable of dispelling curses. Richard also likes to take care of his comrades by healing their wounds and providing protective or enhancing blessings. [b]-Minor Regeneration:[/b] The chance encounter with the supernatural being not only gave him the ability to cast miracles and holy magic but also slow his aging significantly and granting him a lesser form of regeneration. [b]Strengths:[/b] [b]- Combat Medic:[/b] Richard's experience as a combat medic in two wars has made him a highly skilled medic, along with his miracles, he can slam death's door shut in even the most dire cases. Richard is no pushover though, he is not afraid to take a life. Though he is saddened by the act but knows that sometimes one of the best ways to save a life in the field is to end another. Richard is quite skilled with his weapon of choice, a custom double-stacked 1911. [b]- Friendly and Cooperative:[/b] Richard is easy to get along with and is capable adapting to best suit his team. He cares deeply for his comrades and will do his damnedest to protect them and keep them going. [b]Main Weapon:[/b] [hider] [img] http://y-cw.com/di-0602.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]- Tough but not unbreakable:[/b] Richard may be able to recover from serious injuries if given time to heal himself or for the regeneration to kick in, but will still die if enough damage dealt to him. [b]- Magical Exhaustion:[/b] If Richard casts one too many spells or miracles in a given moment, the drain will cause him to be disoriented and tired for a while. [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Summary of Transcribed Recording of Detained Subject: "R. Anselm" Regarding Evaluation of Release [/b] [b]Reason for Detainment:[/b] Suspected Magical Threat [b]Name:[/b] Richard Anselm [b]Date of Birth:[/b] August 11th 1945 [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Concord, New Hampshire, USA. [b]Summary:[/b] The subject was the only child of two English immigrants that had moved to the United States of America after their home was destroyed during a German Blitz early in the second world war. Subject claimed that they lived a humble but happy life for a number of years during his childhood until he contracted an unknown illness that threatened his life. The subject's parents were unable to look for a cure via traditional medicine and, as the subject's illness worsened, turned to religious means. Subject then claimed that his parents must have been praying with significant fervor, that on his apparent deathbed, he was visited by a being encompassed by light and 'gave a part of it' to the subject and was completely cured of the ailment. The subject claims that that it was that event that had caused him to become attuned to performing miracles and holy magic. Subject then states that the miraculous healing was not left unnoticed and soon word got out that the subject was alive and well, causing the once peaceful life to become chaotic with numerous occasions of attempted kidnapping or harm to the subject. The subject expresses his sadness regarding his family forced to move to Queens for his family's safety and regret over the manner he acted during the transition. The subject then goes on to discuss his dark days where he was in his rebellious phase and acted out of line but then discusses on how faith had saved him from that life and enhanced his abilities. The subject then goes on explaining that he had a working theory that the stronger his faith is, the stronger the miracles and magics he cast and that the older that he got, the more stable and more numerous he could cast them. He then explains that he had enlisted in the military to help aid the Vietnam War through utilizing his 'God given blessings' as he calls it to save numerous lives. The subject then talks about the numerous times he had saved his comrades from dying. The subjects face goes somber as he hesitantly explains one specific experience that changed him. He does not go into detail but allows me to know that the experience taught him that saving a life sometimes required another life to be taken. After his tours and the war had ended the subject then tells me that he realized that he wasn't aging as fast as others a decade after the conflict, his former comrades, friends, his family were getting much older as he stayed youthful. The somber expression returns as he mentions that it was inevitable for him to outlive all of them. The subject explains that the realization made him chose to stay off radar and spend the remainder of the next two and a half decades with friends and family. He mentions the passing of some of his friends were agonizing but the death of his parents had to be the of the most painful experiences he had. He shakes his head gently before wrapping up his story on how the FBI had managed to detain him just before his second tour of the Iraq War and was kept in this facility until further notice. [b]Result of Evaluation:[/b] Subject means no harm to the general public nor to the government and has expressed altruistic personality. The subject known as 'Richard Anselm' is permitted to be released back into society. Subject is also noted to be a possible candidate for MIB-S Division. Sending Files to MIB-S Division Head for consideration.