"Sixteen thousand troops, according to the Emperor." Meesei answered immediately. She had made sure to make her handshake just a [i]bit[/i] stronger than Legate gro-Tagnud. She was smaller than him by a fair margin, and her clothes hid her build, so she wanted to subtly reassure him that she was no weakling lizard in a dress. Beyond just her grip, she walked with a practiced, confident posture, and spoke in just the same way. She wanted to give off no appearance that she was anything less than the Legate General's equal. At [i]minimum[/i]. Given how direct gro-Tagnud was with his question, Meesei was equally as straightforward in her answer. "I do not know how much information you have been given thusfar, so I will be as complete as I can in my explanation. We are going to open a portal to Clavicus Vile's realm with the intent of defeating him and removing most of his power. More specifically, we will be opening a portal from Mundus to my lord Hircine's Hunting Grounds. Then, from there, we will open another portal to Vile's realm. Your men would be fighting alongside my own, as well as Hircine himself, and all of his Daedra which he commits to the battle. Additionally, we may be joined by Dominion forces, depending on their response to our request. As for the battle itself, there is only one singular objective of importance to our proposed attack. We have in our possession an Axe created by Clavicus Vile. Our goal is to have that Axe touch Vile himself. We are going to have the Axe empowered by another Daedric Prince, so we need not even cut him with it. If it makes contact with him, then our task will be complete. The energy within the Axe will weaken him enough to allow Hircine to defeat Vile in combat and, for the lack of a better word, 'kill' him. Daedra cannot die, especially Daedric Princes, but destroying his form will destabilize his essence, and release much of the power he has been gathering. The outcome, of course, being that Vile will no longer have the strength or influence to destroy the Towers that stabilize Mundus and absorb our world into his."